Thursday 25 January 2024

A Teaser for " Meet The Local Hero" A Dragos Teglas Film

Hello and Best wishes for the New Year, its my first post of 2024.

Already a mixed bag of really exciting Highs "Yay" and really stressful and frustrating lows "Boo"! 

My blog as anyone who likes to follow it or comes across the various things I post, will know it is about keeping it real. I don't live in a Social Media world of fake news and endless rays of sunshine where my life is super hunky dory every single day. Nope I am just an ordinary bloke, who like a great deal of other people is trying to make the most of this thing we call life, find fun, love and happiness and try to put all the other crap to one side.

You may ask well what is going on ? Well I will start with the Low as I would like to end on a positive. I mean who wants to listen to someone whine on right?

Basically it's the same old same old and for those amputees out there you will totally get this " Socket Fit". I was off work 4 1/2 months at the start of 2023 as my socket was killing me. I was bottoming out and basically mobilising weight bearing on my cut femur. I attended the Disability Service Centre and after a number of visits a socket was produced and "Aww Crap" it didn't fit. I then just informed the DSC and my prosthetist to put my old socket back on to my knee and went back to work. Well it's been over a year, walking around with an ill fitting socket. I have tried all sorts, of temporary fixes, extra stump socks, two, even 3 seals and it hasn't really solved the problem. Tomorrow I am back to the DSC I have been seeing a new prosthetist and hopefully I will be getting a "Boa adjustable socket" and it will fit and I can go on my happy way. I am trying to keep an open and positive mind, as man this ill fitting socket has really knocked my confidence in my mobility and has me in a right moody frame of mind. It doesn't help that my cycling socket is an exact replica of my current everyday socket, so although I am still cycling everyday, mainly on my indoor Turbo Trainer, I am constantly having to stop and adjust my socket.

And that is all I have to really complain about.

Meet The Local Hero

Okay, positives, well last year I was invited to take part in a short documentary film. It has now all been put together and is just about due for release. Dragos the film maker and now very close friend keeps me updated and he was very pleased to announce that the film has been nominated so far for 5 film festivals. This is great news and so exciting.


Meet The Local Hero

I am no longer on Facebook, however I know "This is Insomnia" the production company has a Facebook page.


There is also a video teaser here at Vimeo :

really would like to see the film do well, not because I consider myself a local hero as the title suggests, no its because Dragos and everyone involved in the making of the film have put so much hard work into its production. Dragos wanted a specific message to be taken from the film and I think he has captured that. The fact that as I have said I am just an ordinary lad, I was never going to be a world champ BMX'er or Downhill racer, no I just wanted to get back to doing something I had a passion for from being a young kid and that was riding on 2 wheels, making my own adventures and seeing where the trail took me. I am not a competitive person, the majority of challenges I have faced in my life have been personal ones, and these have all shaped me into the person I am today, hopefully with a positive message to do what makes you happy and try to overcome your own personal battles.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the making of this film and I look forward to peoples take on the film.

Saturday 11 November 2023

Silverback Bikes been in touch.

A couple of weeks ago I got a message from Temarah Galant, who's is one of Silverback Bikes brand and marketing + communications personnel.

Temarah went on to ask could I recall about 3 years ago, I had done an article as an ambassador for Silverback Bikes, going on to inform me that the piece had resonated within the cycling community, and it continued to inspire people.

Very kind words, truth be known I struggle to accept positive feedback, as for me, all I am doing is getting on with life and trying to make the best of some unfortunate circumstances.

Anyhoo Temarah asked would I be up for taking part in another feature, this time a sort of VLOG. Silverback Bikes have always been supportive of me so it's nice to offer something in return.

Temarah sent across around 16 questions and asked could I record myself answering them.

Now whilst I don't mind riding my bike and doing a video, I hate doing the close up talky interview bits. I consider myself not be at all photogenic, and just don't like seeing myself on camera. I can never get my words out LoL, and upon watching myself back, tend to pick out every last detail of what I don't like about myself...Hey we can't all be perfect I guess.

I had been waiting for the weather, to try and get a decent day for the video, it's now winter, who was I kidding, and as Temarah had kindly asked " do you think you can have it done by the 13th", I decided to head out on Thursday.

Questions and answers prepared after giving my responses some thought. I gathered my bikey bits n bobs, including my Silverback Synergy Fat Bike. My dad Ern who has just turned 83 on the 4th November offered to tag along. This would be handy as he could help me setup and read the questions, so that I could respond to them.

But hold on, we didn't get away immediately, firstly we couldn't find our small tripod, then after  about half an hour of searching including in our loft we discovered it in our wee shed.

I told Ern "I'll ride over to the field where we used to take wor Baxter, and you can meet me there". Just as I went to set off on my bike my Bartlett Tendon Knee locked up..."Aww man".

So Ern and I decide to just pop my bike in the back of Erns mobile skip, that's what I call his car, and we headed off to do the interview. 

When we arrived at the field, at the back of Langley View, the noise from the traffic on the bypass was just too loud. So I suggested Beamish Woods, down by Eden Place. We then walked back to the car, reloaded my bike, and headed over to Beamish.

Once at Beamish we unloaded the car and set off, me pushing my bike as obviously I couldn't ride it.We  through the woods going down some steep bank sides, were there was a sort of trail, which was covered by beautifully coloured leaves all various golden colours and hues of browns until we found a suitable spot, where a fallen tree made a good spot to have a sit on and carryout the interview.

Now to the interview. I had decided to use my GoPro, hoping the onboard mic would be okay. Man doing the interview was harder than I thought. I just couldn't remember what I had written to each question, so had to ad-lib quite a lot. I got tongue tied, swore a canny bit when I didn't get what I wanted to say out and tried to not use " Mmm's & Err's".

Eventually I managed to get all 16 questions answered, wish I could have remembered exactly what I had written to each question, as it would have sounded a lot better I think it would look a bit daft sitting on a log reading out answers whilst also wearing my gigs.

A hike back to Erns car, I sometimes forget he is getting on in years. I mean there he was helping me push my bike up the steep side of a bank side with no complaints. I love spending time with my dad, although it is very frustrating at times as he is so hard of hearing these days, and his goto response is " What?".

Upon getting home and warmed through. With an inspection of my Bartlett Tendon it soon became apparent that a circlip had come off one of the pins in the knee. The pin had then gotten bent and  it was this stopping the knee bending as it was catching the knee frame. Ern got to work on my knee as I went up to my room to download the footage we had just shot.

Upon checking the footage I was gutted to find my first interview question and answer missing, where the hell it had gone I'll never know. I did a small amount of editing, using Wondershare Filmora, using my new Mac Pro. I'm still trying to get to grips with the Apple Mac. Obviously I had to edit out all the sweary bits LoL. I didn't think it was appropriate to have " Aww Bollocks and Fecking Hell Man" included in an interview.

That done I sent the files to Temarah, so along with some of my videos I already have on YouTube I think Silverback Bikes should be able to make a decent VLOG.

Whilst we were down the woods it looked so pretty, what with all the fallen leaves, as mentioned, and with all the rainfall of late, there were pools of water, that had formed like little ponds. I decided I would return on my bike on Friday and have a little ride and play about, maybe shoot a video.

Silverback Synergy Fat Bike
Silverback Synergy Fat Bike 

Sometimes I just love being by myself, in my own little world doing my own thing, with no stresses and worries, playing around like a big kid. The woods were pretty soaked. It's funny the things that bring joy, for me it's riding through dry leaves and the sound as they crunch under my tyres, or on a cold winters day and again the sound of crunching ice as I ride over a frozen puddle. In the cold weather the feel of the fresh air as it burns your lungs and lets you know you are alive.

Friday morning, my dropper seat post won't pop up and for some reason as I set off on my Silverback Fat Bike the gears are all out of sink. I fiddled with the gear cable and managed to get a little better gear selection, then headed up the farmers trail, which would lead me to No Place, yes it's an actual name of a place, I then drop down to Beamish and the woods.

I began shooting footage, not really riding any particular trail, actually I tried to stay out of the dense wooded area, as I knew my GoPro wouldn't do well in the dark light.


It's hard work riding then having to come back for the camera, so each small movie I shoot although I have loads of footage, it's mainly going to and fro to start and stop the camera, then move it a little and place it for the next shot. There was some lovely lens flares to be had. I just figured out why the woods looked so dark...what a plonker I had my Oakley sunglasses on, which I think are way too dark in there lens. I think I'll keep these ones for the car and invest in a new pair with lighter lenses. They are just so expensive, as I'm practically blind without gigs I have to get prescription vary-focals...mega bucks.

I did pretty well yesterday I only slipped once in the thick mud, pity I didn't catch that on camera as it was hilarious, trying to catch myself with one leg that knows what it's supposed to be doing and a prosthetic one that I can't feel where it's placed and having a mind of its own, then doing the wild thing trying to keep my balance. Ultimately I didn't and fell in the mud. I also washed out on a particularly muddy bend, luckily just before a rock garden, with some pretty nasty looking sharp rocks.

After filming what `I thought was enough for a 5 minute video...How wrong was I LoL, I was beginning to get tired, man I miss my eBike. Don't get me wrong I love the Fat Bike, but that assistance to get home would have been nice.

As I was coming up the C2C I was just about to turn up towards Iceland and the steep bank to get me from the C2C to the carpark at Iceland, when "Snap" my inside tendon and cam went slack. As I checked my knee I discovered that the stud that holds the inside cam had sheared. "Damnit", this has now happened a few times. I had to take my leg off , sit on the wet ground and remove both cams and tendons completely, then pop the parts in my bag, followed by getting back up, dropping my shorts, whilst hopping about, and try and reattach my leg.

I then goy back on my bike and I was proper proud that I managed to climb the steep bank without getting off and then ride home through Mordor, also known as Stanley, then down and back to home.

My dad was in our back yard helping to mend my daughter's, partners car and my grand daughter Francesca was outside with her daddy. She looked a little cold, so after I washed my bike, she ended up coming inside and I guess I got roped into baby sitting. Francesca's 3 years old. I'm a bit out of practice with kids, in fact never really been good with them, give me a dog any day LoL. That said wor Francesca is a canny cute bairn and she was really well behaved, and it was nice to spend some time with her.

We watched TV, played pat a cake, listened to music and danced, drew pictures and coloured in and practiced counting, to the nursery Rhyme 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a Fish alive, Oh! and Francesca even had a go strumming on my guitar. She was fascinated by my prosthetic leg, especially my plastic foot with blue painted toe nails, however she now wants them painted her favourite colour red.

After Francesca had gone home with her dad I was able to have a shower, as I was filthy not having had a chance to get washed before baby sitting.

I then set about creating a short movie and searching for  appropriate free music to accompany the feel and flow of the video. Hope you like it.

Done the end

Saturday 9 September 2023

A Few New Bits On Order And I think My Camera is Buggered

I have had to wash and polish LoLa my wee Abarth 124 Spider yet again. Ern said he heard something on the news about sand coming over in the atmosphere all the way from the Sahara, so that would explain the horrible dirty and gritty appearance of her Thursday morning.

LoLa nice and clean I decided I would try and get some pics of her, as I wanted to see a couple of photo comparisons of her wearing firstly the grey mirror caps, tow eye and lower bumper trim and then the new red parts I had added. I am still on the fence. I have never seen another Blue Abarth 124 with red bits, well in truth I have only ever seen 3 of these cars in the flesh, the one I mentioned in a previous blog, going over the Redheugh Bridge and I can't recall it's colour, another Red one I had a sit in at a local dealer, and of course Lola my Blue car.


Abarth 124 Spider LoLa
Abarth 124 Spider LoLa

I had had my Pentax K30 camera battery on charge. Wow this camera is now about 10 or 11 years old I haven't used it a great deal. Although I love photography I am no photographist and as such the technical stuff on a camera, well its beyond me. I would say I have a good creative eye, however I am more of a point and shoot guy... hey that Rhymes Lol.


Abarth 124 Spider LoLa
Abarth 124 Spider LoLa

So this morning upon getting up I firstly went and put a few quids worth of petrol in LoLa, man it's dear £1.66 a litre for Super unleaded. I only popped £15 quid in her, as I will pop to Costco later as it's a bit cheaper.

Abarth 124 Spider LoLa
Abarth 124 Spider LoLa

Following putting petrol in LoLa I drove over to the Stream Valley, the condensation having dried off so I could pop the hood down. I love the sound of this car. If I drive sensibly she is quieter than Grandma My VW Beetle GSR, who drones at all speeds. However if I boot LoLa she gives of a throaty rasp which is pretty loud and obnoxious. The car is quite addictive and a real pleasure to drive.

Abarth 124 Spider LoLa
Abarth 124 Spider LoLa
Abarth 124 Spider LoLa
Abarth 124 Spider LoLa

Arriving at Stream Valley and the small carpark I retrieved my camera from LoLa's boot. I began attempting to take shots, varying from automatic, to manual and changing settings with then idea "well at least one or two shots may come out good". Finished a quick shoot I drove home to see what I had captured.

Upon popping the images on my Mac I was most disappointed, they were either way too dark or dark and blurry. I had experimented with the camera the evening before and had not been able to get a good shot and upon reading on line about the Pentax K30 read, that some cameras can experience what is known as aperture block. As my camera was/is shooting everything dark, no matter the lens I thought that it might be that and tha it was buggered.

Ern and I had a look at the camera and I asked him to try and find the recommended settings for the model. We then took the camera back to factory settings and began tweaking from there. I took a few basic shots just around home inside and outside and the camera appeared to be working better, so I will give it another go soon. I bought this camera in 2012, for when I went to America. I am pretty sentimental about things so hope it is ok and going to behave.

Of course I have now already been looking for a replacement. I quite fancy a mirror less camera, something I can change lenses on, but again something simple. I just can't be doing with having to learn all about f.stops, ISO's and EV levels. I just want to press a button and get an awesome picture then feel good at my results.

Back to LoLa... I have been spending a few pennies on her since buying her. I am now awaiting a set of OZ Hyper GT Hlt's to come from Italy, courtesy of Wheelbase.

OZ Hyper GT Hlt 18's
OZ Hyper GT Hot 18's

Oh and I am waiting for a set of Yellow Speed Racing Coilovers, having thought the air ride was just a bit pricey for what I needed. They are coming from ID-Workz

Yellow Speed Racing YSR DPS Coilovers
Yellow Speed Racing YSR DPS Coilovers

Also on the recent purchase list and also coming from Italy, courtesy of Balance Motorsport is a Ragazzon Quad 120mm tipped Valved exhaust back box. Its gots a remote control twin valve system so I am excited to get this on and see how LoLa looks and sounds

Ragazzon Valved Backbox
Ragazzon Valved Backbox

I had been waiting for a Bonalume Adjustable Pop off spacer from Tuning Art, which I paid for via PayPal £164.95 however when the item didn't arrive and after contacting Tuning Art via email, telephone and their Facebook page and not getting any response I got in touch with PayPal and there is now an open case to try and get my money back. So Tuning Art gets a negative score from me and I wouldn't recommend them as a reliable company, they don't mind taking your money, however nothing arrives, then they totally ignore any communication. Basically robbing fatherless company.

Further to above PayPal has resolved my case in my favour. I got a message this morning. So for anyone reading this beware of the company going by the name of Tuning Art 

I have since ordered a Bonalume non adjustable spacer from 500 Madness in the US, at least I know they deliver their stuff. So looking forward to a "Whoosh" sound.


Bonalume spacer "Whoosh"

Monday 14 August 2023

My New Ride...

After selling Myrtle I had given some careful consideration as to what my next purchase might be. I have always liked the look of the Abarth 124 Spider, having actually only ever seen one on the road, when travelling into work in Newcastle.

So I began researching the car, the usual stuff , insurance group, mpg, any recalls and what to look out for fault wise on the Abarth Forums.

The cars have a few small issues the first is that the drivers seat bolster wears quickly and that the soft top can catch the back of the roll bars causing wear. Other than that the usual things you get with most cars, oh and because the cars come with a valved Record Monza exhaust, the valves are prone to seizing.

I scoured the interwebs for a couple of weeks looking for my perfect potential car. At first I wasn't keen on the Blue, also known as Azzuro Isola d'Elba 1974 Metallic. However finding a car with the extras I wanted was proving difficult. I really wanted the Visibility pack, and the Bose speaker system. I wasn't too fussed about the Heritage kit, it's just a matt black bonnet and tailgate, I mean who can polish them right lol.

Abarth 124 Spider
Abarth 124 Spider Isola d'Elba 1974 

I noticed Motorpoint down in Derby had a 2019 model in, and it had what I would like, but it was blue.

Anyhoo after going to view a red one, which was absolutely filthy and way over priced. I decided to take a punt on the blue one at Motorpoint. I went to the Birtley Branch and paid the £149 to have the car transported up.

To cut a long story short on Friday I traded my 2019 Abarth 595 Competizione for the Blue Abarth 124 and I love the car, and actually really like it's colour.

I was a bit gutted to discover the car didn't have Sat Nav installed, easily remedied with a 2023 map pack on SD card from Amazon at £55.


Abarth 124 Spider
Abarth 124 Spider Think ~I'll cell her LoLA

The drivers seat is a little worn in the usual place, but I can live with it, and the soft top has a scuff as it has rubbed on the roll bar cover. I'll sort that. Oh and yes the valve is stuck on the exhaust, so a job for Ern and me.

The car sounds awesome and drives sweet as a nut. It's a bit cramped, especially with me having my stoopid prosthetic leg, and when driving it, it feels huge to me, there is this like huge long bonnet in front, something I'm not used to.

Iv'e even thought of a name for her...

LoLA = Loud,Obnoxious,Little, Abarth

Abarth 124
Abarth 124

Now as anyone who knows me I can't just leave a car un-modded. In fact I have already started gathering bits, so far I've bought: 

Eurocompulsion V4
Eurocompulsion V4 

Bonalume pop of spacer


Go Faster Bits Diverter

Rotiform LAS-R wheels 18x8.5 4x100 ET 35

Decided to return the Rotiform LAS-R's the black wheels just didn't suit my car. The car has  graphite colured wing mirrors and the windscreen pillars are the same colour.

Opted to go for 18x7 OZ Hyper GT HLT'S in a graphite colour with Michelin Pilot 4S tyres 215/35/18.


I have also bought some Autoglym products to clean the car including her roof.

Oh and I saw these on Facebook Market Place and the lady very kindly accepted my offer and I received them today. Can't believe how expensive they are new, saying which when they arrived they are a lot sturdier than they look in the images and have a little bit of weight to them. They are original Fiat cup holders, not sure if the Abarths came with them as standard, but they are a nice addition and somewhere to pout a cup or two now.

Cup Holders

Future mods when I get some wonga saved.

A crossover pipe, and you know I mentioned that the valve on the Record Monza is stuck, well Ern and I had the backbox off and it is well and truly stuck, so a future purchase I would really like is one of these, however at almost £2k it's a canny outlay.

Ragazzon valved Backbox with 4x102mm tips
Ragazzon valved Backbox with 4x102mm tips

Then there are

Alpha Romeo 4C coils

Get her remapped oh and big money as I fancy her on Air Ride .

Saturday 5 August 2023

Mid Life CrIsis

 This is a bit of a sad post, as I let Myrtle go this week. Both my dad and myself had put so much work into that old 65 Bug and I guess part of us feels like it's lost. Even my dad I think was a bit sentimental about Myrtle, he actually drove the car more than I did in the time we had her.


Myrtle 65 Bug
Bye Bye Myrtle

I can't believe how much money I had invested in the old girl, so when her bodywork was the next stage I had a tough decision to make, and decided to allow someone else to care for her.

Within days of Myrtle going, and with me being off work, I took some annual leave, because I've had this goddamn cold for going on 5 weeks, well I found myself looking at other cars  " No Glenn you don't need 3 cars", so I kind of agreed with my inner voice and we came to a mutual agreement that maybe two is enough.

That saidI think I'm going through some sort of mid life crisis, as I began looking at convertibles, Yes even bright RED ones. Things got so bad I even checked out a few Porches, second hand with a few miles on them.

I then got my mince pies on an Abarth 124 Spider, they have stopped making them, Ooh! a future classic. Trawling through the interwebs, there was only about 45 for sale, and of them about 18 or so automatics.

I quite liked the look of either a red one or a grey one, thing is none of them for the money had the visibility pack, or the higher spec'd Bose sound system.  The only car that was pretty much fully loaded, apart from the Heritage pack, which is the Matt black bonnet and boot lid, a throw back to the rally cars of the 70's was at Motorpoint in Derby, and it was metallic Blue, called Isola D'Elda Blue 1974.

Abarth 124 Spider
Abarth 124 Spider Isola D'Elda Blue 1974

Mmmmm!  Not sure, checked more images on line, 

Mmmmm! Still not sure.


Abarth 124 Spider
Growing on me

My dad and I then went to check out a red Abarth 124 Spider at Birtley and Ronald Clark. I had a sit in the car....I fit..... It actually felt massive. The bonnet feels very long. That particular car wasn't for me.

Abarth 124 Spider
Record Monza Exhaust Sounds Great

More looking a blue 124's on my return, oh and of course potential mods, what can I say but Petrol Head. So far even without the car I've spec'd up around £10k of stuff I'd like to do.

One of the things on my wish list is air suspension. I just loved the look of Myrtle slammed.

More looking I think I'm coming around to Blue. So a trip down to my local Motorpoint, a valuation on my wee Abarth 595, which if I could also afford to keep I would.


Abarth 124 Spider

I now have a deposit down to get the car up from the Motorpoint in Derby, so maybe by next week I'll be driving an Abarth 124 Spider.

Friday 7 July 2023

Tomorrow is Make or Break Time for Myrtle.

As many of you will know Myrtle is my beloved little 1965 VW Beetle. I have had her going on 3 years now and in that time only been out in her a handful of times. This has been due to a number of things. When I bought her I couldn't drive her due to my amputation, and Myrtle being an old school 4 speed manual gearbox. Plus upon buying Myrtle and getting her home she struggled to get over our large speed bumps, as she was on static suspension. Upon checking her suspension set up, well let's just say it was horrendous. Im then spent a fortune getting an Airlift Air Ride set up installed and for around 2 years, we were on constantly taking apart her suspension, measuring and then rebuilding back up. Myrtle just never drove right. It wasn't until the Airlift manifold stopped working that we discovered it had actually been broken from brand new.


Myrtle sitting pretty

Anyhoo long story short I got a new manifold and eventually got a semi auto clutch adaption fitted and I was able to take Myrtle out for a few drives. I love driving the wee car, I mean she is very underpowered, as she only has a 1200 cc engine, so I constantly felt like I was thrashing her, but the driving experience was great.

Semi Auto Clutch Motor Hides under the Back Seat

Recently Myrtle began having problems starting and ticking over. I stopped driving her, as every time I went to pull away her engine would bog down and stall. It takes a bit getting used to the semi auto clutch. 

I had the wee car for a service at LVH Engine and Resto's, the great guys who had fitted my Air Ride. When I went to pick her up, Paul the mechanic informed me that Myrtle had very low compression. Following Ern home as he drove Myrtle I could see every time he changed gear, puffs of blue smoke coming out of her exhausts, Not Good.

Oh and whilst Myrtle was sitting in our yard Ern came up with the bright idea of re-routing the brand new wiring harness and airlines inside of the heater channels so that they were hidden from inside of the car. This was okay as the heater channels are no longer used due to the Airbags being fitted and I couldn't run heater exchanges. So Ern began doing this job when I was at work. He had been on a couple of days re-routing the lines and wiring, then I came in from work one day to discover he had been hacking bits off Myrtle. He had gone and literally hacked off the end of the heater pipes where they come out from the inner sills. I can tell you I wasn't best pleased and we are still having heated arguments over it. I mean come on the car has survived 57 years, only for someone to come along with... well not sure what he used a chisel, electric saw or a grinder and starts butchering my wee car. It's a total mess. Ern's way of thinking "Don't worry no one will see it, it's under the back seat". If ever I wanted to put heat back into the car, it's now impossible, without major reconstruction.


Myrtle and her hacked heater channels

Poor Myrtle's been attacked

That is not the end of my woes with Myrtle. During the Summer I was on giving her a polish and the plastic vinyl body strips that someone had put over her roof guttering came away.The glue keeping them on had heated up under the sun and the sticky residue was melting all over. As the passenger side strip came off I discovered a huge split between the guttering and roof. Awwww man! It now has me totally stressed. I mean my plan was always to have Myrtle restored, but this looks like a major repair job.

Awww Man!!! 

Drivers side starting to crack Too!

With Myrtle standing out during winter other areas have started to appear, that need attention. She desperately needs a Resto job. I have so many new parts for her in the house. New Front Windscreen and deluxe seals, pop out rears. A new deck lid, rear wings and exhaust apron. New headlight surrounds, Chrome blade bumpers, under my bed, rear light surrounds and a new VW logo Badge whose price was extortionate. 


Rear wing rust

More rust coming through

Poor Myrtle

At the rear, deckled been catching this built up area.

I actually did a quick paint over on this bit, but its come back through

Tomorrow I am off to a place to see if they can sort Myrtle and at what price. Hence the title of my Blog "Make or Break Time for Myrtle".  

This little slot was where the custom quarter bumpers fitted.

Seat Belt mounts welded in

Doors Been Catching

You see it is not just bodywork and paint, after that I need to also save for a new engine and interior. So Mega Bucks. If it's good news tomorrow of Course I don't mind investing in the wee car. I always had my eye on a bigger engine, and I also had an idea for a custom interior.

So I guess I will know tomorrow, where I go from here.


Tuesday 4 July 2023

A Little Play Out on The Fatty

I have been on holiday this week, pleased I took a bit time off, as after all the filming the other week I had a sore good knee. I must have banged it or something as it was all bruised and when I was walking up the stairs at work, it felt like something was going to pop.

Anyhoo my knee feeling better I asked Ern did he fancy a look down Beamish Woods, so I could show him the trails I had discovered, and possibly get a little riding footage.

My dad although still getting out and about like when he goes shopping and stuff, is not going out as much, due to us loosing our Baxter. My dad used to take him for daily walks and also from time to time to the "Bully" walks, where both Baxter and my dad made some lovely friends.

So when my dad agreed to come along I was chuffed to bits. I really enjoy spending quality time with my dad, he is so supportive of me. Today he was to be my cameraman and in charge of stopping and starting my new GoPro Hero 11, which I had been gifted by the film crew guys a few weeks earlier. Dragos M, Dragos T, Oren and Cosmin.

Rather than take my Specialized Turbo Levo E-bike I decided to take my Silverback Synergy Fat bike out for an outing. I checked in my wardrobe for some mountain bike attire got ready and slipped on my Bartlett Tendon, then sorted out my camera and bike bits and bobs, just in case I needed to tighten or adjust anything or got a puncture. Everything fitting in my Camelbak "fanny pack" bag.

I made sure I had around 50 psi in my Bartlett Tendon Rockshox Monarch RT3 and also checked my fat bikes shockers.

Looking up the Farmers Trail

I told Ern I would ride to Beamish and meet him down at the Forges and we could enter the woods from there. So I set off from home and took the Farmers Trail, which leads to No Place and then I could drop down into Beamish.

Whilst on the Farmers Trail I took a pic at the start with my phone and then decided to grab a little GoPro footage with my new camera. I am so pleased that a few days earlier I had purchased a protective cover, which came with lens protection as just look at the picture. I accidentally must have caught the cameras standout was placed on, or flicked up a stone as the laminated screen protector got cracked. I have checked and the screen underneath is okay, so well pleased with that little investment.

Pleased I bought this screen protector.

Continuing up the trail `I got a little footage of the changing weather the fields and the trail as it rises up the incline.

I dropped into No Place and decided to shoot a little scene of me riding down some steps. This took longer than I expected as I didn't have anything to place my camera on and hold it in position. The video I shot and then edited is not very long and it is a bit fragmented not telling a real story, I just wanted to see what the camera was like in the settings I had placed on it, and basically spend a bit time messing around, hanging with my dad.

I rang Ern to see where he was and he told me he was just going past the Shepard and Shepherdess, so I carried on down past Beamish Hills, around the round about and down the steep bank, down from the pub. Ern was just pulling up as I arrived and we headed up the tight trail in towards the woods. Ern walking and me riding as far as I could before the trail gets a bit tight. There are loads of nettles and Whinny Bushes, horrible bloody things. 

Saw two lads on motorbikes just the other week in here...Scumbags

Once in the woods my dad and I walked along the bottom trail and then we turned up and I pushed my bike up the steep hill whilst Ern followed. My dad does really well, considering he will be 83 in November of this year. A little hike along the top trail and I then pointed to where the trails began, where someone has purpose built bike drops, jumps and berms etc.

Silverback Synergy Fat Bike

Lots of the jumps and drops are way above what I would attempt. I can't afford to break a leg, or my neck for that matter. It's strange as you get older, you tend to become more cautious, where as when you are young you throw caution to the wind.

I can remember back in the day my friend Carl Walker and I organising a petition and presenting it to our local council. It was for a BMX track to be built. We never thought we would get anywhere, however someone must have thought it was a good idea, as within a few weeks diggers showed up and cleared a site. They then built this what we thought at the time was an amazing BMX track. It was actually on the site of roughly where Iceland is now. I bet some old fogies at the time would have thought "Those idiots will kill themselves on those big jumps", yet there we were attempting 360's off table tops and flying around berms, on bikes which had none of this new fangled technology, so no suspension, or carbon frames and well electric bikes hadn't even been thought about or invented.

A few Video Snapshots so a bit Blurry

Coming around a bend

Skidding a Bend

Ern and I had a little scout around and I selected a few lines with appropriate wee jumps and drops, made more for the senior citizen. We then set up the GoPro and had a few takes on each section. Man all the pushing up the hills I was bloody knackered. It felt like we had been down the woods hours. I only managed to get enough footage to make a 1 minute video, by the time it was cut and I edited it LoL.

Playing down the woods


The Ern

On the Fatty
Never mind both Ern and I had a laugh, and it was lovely to spend some time with Pa Bear. Back to Stanley in the car and Ern popped to Cooplands for some sandwiches and coffees. I have been on trying to edit my videos using Filmora and getting to grips with the new Mac Studio I bought. It takes a bit of getting used to. 

My old PC just can't hack editing video footage, especially HD stuff. I think one, maybe even two of the Hamsters that power it have died.

Ooh Ern is going to sort my gears out tomorrow as my chain kept slipping over the largest ring.