Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Thoughts on a fitting front cover for my book ?

Well I think I am just about done writing and editing my book, going from roughly 40 odd thousand words to 50, and finally ending at 80,662.

I have lost count of the amount of times I have trawled through each chapter, trying to correct my spelling and grammar, and also in correcting my wording and sentences as upon reaing some stuff back, it appeared like I was dyslexic. Within the pages of my book I have attempted to use the "Geordie" vernacular, and this has also caused some issues when going through a spell checker.

At this point I don't want to give to much away, about the contents, other than to say it is about my journey through life. I am not going to make out I have had a particularlly exciting life, however I am sure some people will be able to relate to the many ups and downs within my story, and hopefully take something away from my experiences. Quite often a common shared experience can help us feel not quite so alone.

Anyhoo the reason for this particular blog post is to get some feedback from anyone who finds themself here reading this. Now last month I recieved 6572 visits to my blog, however guess how many people left a comment, or feedback, whether good, bad or indifferent, well let me tell you...Err! wait until I count them up...Oh! Yes exactly "0" a big fat Zero.

I am not sure whether people just find their way here by accident or what. Let me reassure you if you do decided to follow my blog, by using the "Follow" in the right hand margin, you will not be inundated with spam. The same goes if you comment on any posts, and as I am a bit of a technophobe I still haven't really figured out how to send notifications for anyone interested when I update my blog with a new post.

So moving on. I had thought of an idea of a front cover for my book, it was taken from an idea of an image featuring Sean Connery, as James Bond, the image being in black & white. The thing is, as I have fucked up my Achillies whilst riding my new bike, which was way back in December of last year, well I now can't head out for a ride. This means the whole scene I would have liked featured as an image, well I can't get done.

Never mind I decided to think proactively and look at an alternative source for a front cover, and decided to re-subscribe to Mid Journey and try and create something using AI. I wanted something that would relate to parts of the story of my book. Those of you who know me will know I no longer have a dog, after loosing my best mate Baxter in May of 2023, so might think "Why the Fuck has he dicided to put a Big Black Dog on the front cover of his book?. Well once I get the book self published hopefully all will become clear, and the fact I have a bloke near a cliff edge with a big black dog nearby will make sense.

Okay now this part is up to anyone who takes an interest, I guess it's a kind of poll, and I am trying to stay positive that I will get at least one more than a zero in response LoL.

Just checkout the below images and comment on which one you think looks the best for a front cover. I know I haven't given you much to go on, but there is a kind of analogy behind the images I have created using the AI. Obvioulsy I have a book title to add on the picture somewhere.

Book Cover One

Book Cover Two

Book Cover Three

Book Cover Four

Book Cover Five

Book Cover Six

Book Cover Seven
Book Cover Eight

Book Cover Nine

Book Cover Ten

Of course you may not like any of them and I will have to go back to the drawing board : (