Showing posts with label Feedback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feedback. Show all posts

Thursday 23 May 2024

Just wondering ?

 Hey Hello there...

This is a just wondering kind of post, to actually try and find out if anyone actually enjoys reading my blog, plus I would like to try and find out why I rarely have comments posted. It's weird as just lately I have been finding that my Blog receives anywhere from a 1000 to 2000 views per week, however I don't receive any feedback good or bad lol.

A few months back I noticed something had changed in the format of my Blog. For some reason the subscription app was not working. Essentially what people used to be able to do was sign up to my blog and whenever I posted anything new they would get an email to notify them.

The app worked really well as it didn't include loads of spammy adverts and the such, just a simple email to your provided address and then you could choose to come visit or not.

I would also like to know your thoughts on the ads displayed on my Blog. I use a thing called AdSense and I often just set it to optimisation and run and experiment. I have noticed some of the ads can be quite annoying when I view my blog. 

Just to give you an idea I have only earned just over £26 quid in 12 years with Adsense running. I don't even think I have been paid out as you have to get to I think £60 a month, or something like that. I mean I would love to be earning from posting stuff, however it's not why I write and upload stuff. Its more of a hobby and a release at times, a place I can get things of my chest and allow me to reflect and hopefully help people along the way.

Anyhoo boring reading loads of text, and having no pics so I will end there, feel free to respond and give me some of your thoughts.

