Friday 28 June 2019

Nothing is ever straight forward!

After purchasing Myrtle my classic 1965 Volkswagen Beetle, a few weeks ago, both Ern and I have been "jobbing on" and sorting out things that either the old girl needs doing, or things that make her that much more comfortable to live with...Oh and just little personal touches, like my Dubtastic Custom Mini Surfboard keyring. The Joker is also there on my keys.
The Joker

Custome Dubtastic Design

So far as mentioned in an earlier blog I have replaced all of Myrtle's locks and we have tried and tried to get the wiper motor to sit in it's parked position, however, this has proven to be one of those occasions where we have had to admit defeat. I am now quite happy to have the whole wiper motor and switch put back in the car and just treat the operation of using the wipers and turning them off when they are in a suitable position as one of Myrtle's quirks, a part of her personality lets say.

Speaking of wipers I had ordered 2 new wiper arms along with blades, period correct. Man the hours I have spent trawling the interweb to try and discover what is period correct. Anyhoo upon fitting one of the wiper arms, the place where the grub screw goes in just exploded. Have to say Just Kampers the place where I got the arms from were superb when I contacted them telling them of my problem, as they agreed to get another one out to me at no extra cost. Can't ask for any more than that.

Oh Dear

Moving on that is not where our frustration ends. After discovering Myrtle did not have any heat exchanges I ordered a Deluxe kit. This came with everything we needed to fit new heat exchanges. I was also very excited as I had purchased a new Vintage Speed Stainless Steel Sports Muffler...My she looked fine. Imagine our horror when we went to fit her up and she just would not go near. There were a few explanatives from both Ern and I. Ern got his tape measure out and upon measuring from centre to centre the Vintage Speed Muffler was 610mm, whilst the Heat Exchange pipe was only 595mm. Needless to say, I have had to send the Vintage Speed Muffler back to VW Heritage, which has been quite the chore. Further to that apparently the exhaust I need is not stocked and will take anywhere from a month to 6 weeks, good job I am not going anywhere in Myrtle soon. Oh and whilst I am on about Vintage Speed I am also wanting one of their Quickshift gear sticks, however, no one appears to have them in stock. I can't see the Guidosimplex semi-auto clutch set up fitting on my current Gene Berg set-up.


Will have to order up another one and then wait.

The style I am looking at, will have to wait and see how the Guidosimplex auto clutch fits and works.

 Whilst lying under Myrtle we have also discovered an oil leak, so it is on the list of "things to do"
Oil Leak
Ok continuing with minor problems and patience being tested. The Heater Tubes I ordered, upon going to fit them yesteday, guess what? Yep, they did not fit. So they are now bundled up and awaiting confirmation to get sent back and we have had to do more measuring and more research to find a pair that will fit, and I have had to order these. Now awaiting delivery.

Dam it they don't fit

Oh, and I am not finished there. In order to get heating and demister to work correctly, we have encountered another problem. The heater tubes/pipes running from the sill and up inside the inner wing, where it's practically impossible to get to without cutting a huge piece out of the car, well they are missing. Both Ern and I tried in vain yesterday to get a piece of the flexi hose onto the bottom of the sill mount. Ern has made a hole that was originally there, a bit larger, it's on the inside of the inner footwell, and we have been trying to twist the pipe onto the mount without success. I have now ordered some slightly larger tubing "Original stuff" and hopefully we will have more success with this. I am gutted as when we have removed the carpets from the footwell is has taken some of the paint off the inside of Myrtle. I mean once the carpets are back in place you will never see it, it's more to do with my "OCD" LoL. I am actually fancying new carpets, something custom, as the car is never going to be a  totally "Original 65".
OK have to stop looking now it's making me anxious
A few other various shots of Myrtle and bits and bobs we are on with

New Door check strap and light switch on order
Apparently, you can no longer get these pipes anymore

I will get interior sorted at a later date when I have more Wonga
Awaiting a new horn push kit
 Some of the engine "tins" removed to gain access to exhaust and heat exchange. I also ordered the wrong seal for the "Popes Nose" Number plate light, however just as well as Myrtle did not have a seal on the small light anyhoo. The "Popes Nose" is from an earlier year Bug, a 64 I am guessing.

Some of Engine Tin removed
Got a seal to pop on here, just going to sort some new studs for lens
Trust Haynes Manual
 A Few shots of Under Myrtle

New Heat Exchange

Looking a bit stripped out, probably best left like this until I get the seatbelt mounts fitted. Heat cables on one side routed through and fixed to the heat exchange. Also awaiting a nice new Handbrake boot.

So today and over the course of next week, expecting a few parcels to arrive. Once I get reimbursed for my Vintage Speed Muffler I will order up, what I  hope is the correct version.

Almost forgot I have no interior light, so have ordered up door switches and a top end Wolfsburg West interior light. Only problem being I do not know exactly where it fits, and I am slightly worried about my roof headlining. I may have to get it sorted by a professional along with my throttle pedal, which at the moment is a roller throttle pedal, which is a little cumbersome for me. Oh and I still have to get the seatbelt mounts sorted as there are none at the bottom of the B pillar. I have checked and checked again...Nope, none there.

Friday 14 June 2019

A few bits arrived for Myrtle Today

After having a bit of a go over of Myrtle, my new/old classic 1965 Beetle I discovered she was in need of a few bit and pieces and yesterday was spent doing a little research, asking various questions upon Classic Bug forums and also contacting some VW suppliers to make sure the parts were in stock and that I was actually buying the correct said parts.

There are so many differences from year to year on these cars, so it is essential you do your homework. Picture of Original and new handle

Handle Removed
New One Fitted with keys
Anyhoo first things first. Upon getting Myrtle home I soon discovered that the key for the ignition would not fit either the driver's side door lock or the rear deck lid. This meant I could not lock my little car. I did a spot of research and figured out if I took the rear deck lid lock off I could potentially file down the tumblers and get the ignition key to work in the lock. Huh! easier said than done. The lock came off ok, however, could I hell get the chrome surround off the end of the barrel.

Ah well plan B. I went online and checked out how much it would cost for a complete lock set. I soon discovered that to buy a whole set was really expensive. So what I did instead was purchase 2x new door handles and an ignition barrel complete with matching keys (2x) I then ordered a separate deck lock with 2x keys. This means I now have a set of keys for the doors and ignition which match, and a separate key to open the deck lid and get in at Myrtle's engine. 

It has been some time since I tinkered with a car. I used various Youtube videos as guides to help me complete the tasks at hand. Firstly I thought I would have to remove the door cards to get in at the door handle, soon discovering that the actual door handle is held in place by 2 screws in the side of the door. Ah well, at least I figured out how to remove the window winder and door release handle.
Once I knew what I was doing the job was easy and didn't take long at all. I now have a locking drivers door. i didn't put the other handle on the passenger side as the passenger side locks from the inside and has no key in the original handle.

Next, I decided to do the ignition barrel. The ignition is situated on the dash in Myrtle. Mmmm, how to remove the ignition barrel. I could see a small screw under the dash. i removed the ashtray, nope no access there. I then opened the glove box, again nope couldn't get at it there. I then figured out it must be under the bonnet. So I pulled the release lever and had a look under the bonnet.

Neat little touch

Myrtle is very tidy under her small bonnet

Myrtle is very neat and tidy under her bonnet. She has a lovely custom cover and inserted in this cover is a violin case. The case is old and empty, but just looks cool sat there. Sure I will figure out something to pop in there. The custom cover was easy to take out, being held in with about 6 screws. Once the cover was out I could see the ignition barrel switch. At this point, I went inside Myrtle and disconnected the battery. I am not good with electrics and didn't want to either inadvertently short the car out or worse still cause some sort of a fire or get an electric shock.

I took a photo of the new ignition switch and carefully replaced each wire from old to the new one at a time so that I knew which one went where. One of the wires came loose from it crimped connector so I had to find a new connector. I then spent about 45 minutes searching in Steptoe's Shed, that's my dad by the way. Seriously, everyone, where he goes there is just mess. The shed is utter chaos, and no not even organised chaos. It was originally built to store a buggy I bought back in the day. Ern then took control of it and now it is just one huge eyesore, a total shit tip. I ended up using a pair of huge pliers to crimp the new connector onto the wire and then attached the last wire to the ignition switch.

Now for the fun part trying to pop the ignition switch in place, so that I could go inside the car and fasten in the one small screw to keep it in place. The job would have been easy with a helping hand, however doing it all on me todd was a nightmare. Each time I went to put the screw in the bloody switch fell out of the hole in the dash. I had to go back to the front of the car and under the bonnet and place it back in. Never mind eventually got there. I reconnected the battery, popped the new key in the ignition and turned it. Myrtle fired into life and nothing went bang or caught fire, well chuffed.

Next on my list was to fit the deck lid lock. This was easy, only 3 screw holding it in place. I had to adjust the catch slightly to get the lock to fully lock and open, but no real issues.

Getting in and out of Myrtle is a little difficult with my stupid leg. I had the idea of installing some copter tape on the inside edge of the door frame. My thoughts, this will stop my foot from marking up the paintwork if it catches it. I applied the copter tape and smoothed it out. I then thought I should probably heat it up to get all the excess moisture out and to stretch the thin layer of tape. So off I went and got my hair dryer. Oh, I need the extension, so it was back into the chaos of Erns shed. Another hour looking for an extension cable. In the end, I gave up, that fecking shed depresses me LoL It's like when a job should take you 5 minutes, however, it takes you 4 hours. 3 hours 55 minutes to find the gear and 5 minutes to do the

The Bug Report by Ernest A Johnstone

The Bug Report

This is not a report about some nasty infestation ravaging the countryside, but rather my first impressions after collecting Glenn’s old/new car from across the border in Scotland. We travelled up to Lockerbie in Grandma, Glenn’s GSR Beetle, to collect his latest acquisition which is a 1965 VW Beetle. It was raining or as we say in the North “Pissing down”, upon the journey up,  the weather then changed for the better, when we neared the Scottish borders and we even saw a little ray of sunshine.

Ern and Myrtle

Thursday 30 May 2019

Tech to adapt a manual car

So as many of you will know I am after a classic Beetle. Thing is it's not as easy A.Finding a decent one, or one I like, and B. with me being an amputee I have the additional problem of being able to adapt a car so that I can drive it.
Awesome bit of kit
That said I upon doing a spot of research I have discovered firstly a company who has made and developed a Semi-Automatic Syncro clutch system, they are called Guidosimplex. The gentleman I spoke to named Gerard was most helpful and has put me in touch with a company here in the North East called Bewick Mobility.

Once I contacted Bewick Mobility, the gentleman there named Matthew couldn't do enough for me and was spot on in offering advice and really made me feel special in his email responses, something I think is lost sometimes these days, when there is no face to face contact.

Being an amputee or indeed having any disability, always comes at a premium, so I am looking at around the £3000 mark to have this piece of tech fitted to a potential car.

Matthew did suggest I look into the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) - 
Access to Work Scheme. I am in two minds as to try this route, as it involves more paperwork and well like a lot of people out there I do not fully trust the government's agencies. They may deny me in the hope my leg is going to miraculously grow back one day.

And so my search goes on for the next love of my life. I will be sure to blog a lot more with pictures of my next ride, and of course, the clutch adaption, as I think those that follow my blog may be interested and hopefully it is of some use if you would like to follow the same route.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Discovering memories in the loft

Isn't it funny how the smallest of things can bring memories flooding back?

So upon my quest to either save or raise funds for the classic VW Beetle I am after I decided to venture up into our loft and see if there were any hidden gems, hiding amongst the cobwebs and dust. May be I would discover some rare piece of art or at least something worth selling.

Funnily enough, I have not done too bad selling various bits and bobs, things like older electronical tech, bags I no longer use and even a model of a Ferrari, but hey that is another story.

What really got me reliving a mixed bag of memories, both good and bad, was this old Fila shoe box. As I wiped the dust off it and lifted the lid, then peered inside I discovered all these old wrappers from the 90's. When I say wrappers I mean from things like chocolate bars, or biscuits, crisp packets and even Smartie tubes and a old Pot Noodle container.

Various 90's wrappers
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
You see there is a bit of a story to these items, hence the memories, good an bad.

In 1995 I was diagnosed with a giant cell tumour in my right knee. It came as a total shock. There I was walking around delivering letters as a postman and then "Bang" I start limping visit the docs and I am diagnosed with this horrible, bone eating thing in my leg.

Anyhoo that was a brief history and all I am going to say on that. This is where the bad memories came in. The good ones are of my dear old mam. You see she used to work at a local news agents, Chrisp News, which used to be in the old Stanley Bus Station. My mam would quite often bring me in a different chocolate bar, or packet of crisps, especially if they were new out or limited. It was her way of trying to cheer me up as I was stuck in the house. I started saving the wrappers just popping them in a shoe box, not sure why, but hey I am glad I did as they have really brought a smile to my face upon finding them.

I have now thought about using the wrappers more pro-actively and put them all up for sale. I know may sound silly I mean who wants to buy old wrappers from the 90's right. However you ould be surprised. There are over 80 and people do trade and sell these things.

Salt n Lineker
I actually had a great idea to get myself a large clip frame and mount them, possibly creating some kind of retro, modern art design. Ah well will see if they sell and if they do, another memory will be created as I add the funds towards a classic Bug.

Sunday 26 May 2019

If you enjoy walking,rowing, running, swimming or cycling why not join in and get that feel good factor.


Summer is approaching and many of you will be out enjoying the great outdoors, whether this is going for scenic walks, attempting to get that beach body by going for a run, or maybe enjoying a nice cool swim or a ride in the country, taking in all the beautiful sights and sound that come with being outside and a warmer time of year.

If so why don't you join in with Arctic ONE's Summer of Sport? It is a great opportunity to discover a Foundation you may never have heard of before. A Foundation that is very transparent and as you follow them upon their page you can actually see where the money you help support them with goes.

Each year Arctic ONE attempts to raise enough funds so that they can go on to provide support and assistance to a wide variety of individuals and groups, both able-bodied and disabled. They do this with a grant system, which they call their " Forward Motion Grant". Anyone can apply for this grant who is taking part in some sort of sport. You can find out the details upon their page. All they ask in return is that you help spread the word and help the Foundation grow. The more money raised the more people who can be assisted in taking part in what they love to do.

Please find below the link to details of entering Arctic ONE's Summer of Sport. I know everyone and their dog is asking for charitable donations, however, I believe giving to this Foundation is very different as you become part of a family and if you are in turn needing help at some point you can apply for a grant and the guys over at Arctic ONE will definitely look at your application. They have helped people up and down the country with some great projects.

So if you are going to be doing stuff in summer, why not do it and at the same time help out Arctic ONE. Oh and don't worry, if you decide to give they won't be knocking on your door, sending you spam emails and expecting you to donate each month. It is an opportunity to get involved, a one of payment and you can check out either their Facebook Page or website at your leisure and see how things are going and just what your support is supporting people to do. 

Arctic ONE Summer of Sport

Cheers Guys

Friday 24 May 2019

An honour and a privilege to support my good friends over at Pace Rehabilitation

Last month I got a message from none other than QuiggoldI thought he may have been inviting me to some Jedi get together, however, this was not to be the case. Quiggold aka Scott Richardson is Pace Rehab's PR Guru and he was, in fact, asking if I wouldn't mind supporting both himself and Toby Carlson up in Edinburgh. Toby being Pace's expert witness and director. 

Demonstrating adaption for my job role and being able to kneel behind patients
Scott informed me that Pace had arranged a presentation for a Law firm named Road Traffic Accident Law Scotland(RTALS LLP) and their associates. These guys are specialists in Road Traffic Accident Compensation, their mission statement being "We don't just make the difference, we are the difference". 

Of course, I wasn't going to refuse, as by now you will know if you have ever read my Blog, just how supportive Pace has been to me over the years, and it is always a real pleasure to give something back and help out where I can.

The presentation was up in Edinburgh, bonus a nice ride out to a beautiful place. I love Scotland. As usual, I brought my chauffeur, my dear old dad Ern. Well, I needed his car as I didn't think my bike would fit in my Smart Car and I didn't fancy having a go at trying to get it into "Grandma" my Beetle. Far better to bring Ern's mobile skip.

Getting back to the ride up, we made excellent time, in fact, we were a tad early so pulled over for a short break on the way up. Scott had informed me the presentation was to start around 11:00am and finish around 13:30'ish...No worries I thought. Well, that was until we got into the centre of Edinburgh. Dear me it was chaos, so much construction going on. What with roads closed, diversions in place oh and a Sat Nav woman trying to direct up roads and lanes that were closed off. Oh and then there were the taxi's, 6 wheeler buses, trams and irritate pedestrians.

After thinking we were where we needed to be I gave the number Scott had provided me with a call and spoke to Jodi, one of the ladies we were presenting to a call. Bless her she did her utmost to direct us. Apparently, we were only 2 blocks away. Jodi recommended we look for Hanover Street I think it was called, so I popped this in the Sat Nav and off we went doing a complete loop of Edinburgh. We finally got to where the Sat Nav lady told us we needed to be, and bloody hell the road was closed. So around we went again, quite the tour of Edinburgh may have been fun if not for time constraints .

Eventually, we arrived up by the Statue of George somebody or other, sure he is famous I just didn't have time for a history lesson. By this time I was a little stressed and back on the phone to Jodi. Jodi then did a splendid job of directing us around this maze of narrow back streets to get to where we needed to be. I was really impressed. Thank god Ern did come with me as I am terrible at directions and would never have found the place.

Both Scott and Toby firstly gave their presentation and when it was my turn they gave me the nod and I just had to wing my bit. Basically briefly explaining my journey, a little about provision and support, and the various prosthetics I have encountered. I also mentioned my thoughts on elective amputation, versus traumatic and the process of recovery and rehabilitation. I then went on to do a little bit of demonstration using my everyday Rheo XC and my BTK Crossover upon my bike.

Toby Explaining what Pace offers and the process
Toby and a captive audience
Scott doing his thing

Rotating my ankle
Talking about the importance of socket fit
At the end of the presentation it was really nice to chat have the opportunity to chat to a few of the people who attended and get some lovely feedback, which is always good for the soul and kind of gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling, you know like you may have left a little impression or at least a good one on  Pace's behalf.

Demoing BTK Crossover usage/ability
Upon our ride home Scott messaged me and said one of the ladies in attendance had actually said to him, and I am sure she won't mind me quoting her, "I have been doing this job for longer than I care to remember and can honestly say that was the best presentation I have seen".

It's the little things that people can say and do that make a big difference.

A huge thank you to everyone in attendance, especially for all your kind words, it was a real pleasure meeting you all, sorry I didn't get to talk to everyone at the end. 

Big thank you to Jodi Gordon for her images and video clips

Thursday 9 May 2019

In search of a reminder from the past

For quite some time now I have been wanting to go back to my youth, and when I say go back I mean about 40 or so years. You see when I was a young lad of around ooh I would have to say 10 or 11 years of age my dad bought me a car. Now I am talking a proper car not a Dinky or Matchbox. No, it was a Classic T1 shaped VW Beetle. The car was a light blue, a bit like a baby blue and although it was nothing out the ordinary, for me it was a very special little car.

Similar to the car I had

Friday 26 April 2019

A ride around the Bath Tub Loop 10 times

The weather didn't appear too bad this morning, as I just had a nice relaxing mooch about indoors. I then became a little bored, having watched the stuff I had recorded over the course of the week. I love watching The Curse of Oak Island and also enjoy Forged in Fire, so have these programs set on the set-top box.
Coming up the Bath Tub Loop Trail
I had checked the weather forecast the previous day so had an idea it was due to rain, never the less I decided to head out on my Specialized Turbo Levo. There is a trail over on Chapman Wells, a local nature reserve and I quite enjoy riding over that way as there are not a lot of people or cars. 

Heading down past Stream Valley
I had gone out on my Fat Bike sometime earlier in the week and measured the Bath Tub Loop, using Strava, it came in at 1.8 miles, starting at the Stream Valley Equestrian/Farm of course, I had to also ride there and back so that also added a few miles.

As I set off I was pleased I had prepared for the weather, having put on a base layer, my Race Face Jersey and my Endura Hoody. To be fair it was not really cold as I rode to start with, without my gloves. It was, however, a tad damp and overcast.

A spot of rain over by the pond
Puddles starting to accumulate upon each lap
The ride to Chapman Wells is only about 2 or so miles. I had brought my GoPro, however, had an inkling that it would not be of much use today. I have mentioned this before I have the GoPro Hero 5 and it is terrible in poorly lighted situations. It is hard trying to get a photo of yourself using photo mode as the timer is only 30 seconds long. And when you try to use the time-lapse photo, well you do not have as much control over the image settings. Needless to say not too many quality images today.  Never mind the purpose of today's ride was more just to get out of the house and challenge my self to do 10 laps of the Bath Tub Loop.

Over by the small pond. Gets some lovely wildlife here

I kept my bike in eco mode throughout my time out, and this gives me a canny workout on the off-road trail.

It has been some time since I have been out and got a good soaking, however, I really enjoyed my time out. It's nice to have a bit of solitude and just relax and reflect on all that is going on. I also use this time to reflect and generally just be grateful for the small things in life, the things that don't cost anything and all of us take for granted.

Saturday 20 April 2019

A ride out with Reptile Number 2

Awaking this morning I was kind of lost as to what to do, and as the morning slowly passed away and I couldn't think of anything I decided to hide under my throw and see if possibly falling asleep would help either motivate me or bring some positive ideas to spring to mind.

Just as I was dropping off, wor Kyle (Reptile #2) poked his head into my room and said: "hey what are you doing in bed, it's a lovely day do you fancy doing something, maybe go out in the bug?" Well obviously now I thought I was having some sort of a weird sleepy dream state event, as Kyle rarely asks me to do I fancy doing anything. Apparently, it had been really slow at KFC and the Colonel had given Kyle the day off.

I agreed to a lookout and suggested Bamburgh, well it was a nice day and it is pretty beautiful up that way, plus Kyle had never seen the Castle before.

On the beach at Bamburgh

Friday 19 April 2019

Urban Cow Spotting

For years and years, going back as far as ooh 1995 - 96,  when I was unwell and a patient over at the Freeman, to the present, I always thought that the cows in the field over on the Town Moor, were a rather unusual sight.
Urban Cows
I mean usually, you see cows either on a farm or in a wide-open expanse, in the country. Not that the Town Moor is a small area, no it's the whole backdrop of where the cows are really. 

Thursday 18 April 2019

When you come across a film that gives you that "Feel good factor"

One morning a few weeks back, whilst getting sorted for work, grabbing a quick cuppa, and watching a spot of breakfast news, there was a story about a group of fisherman from Port Issac in Cornwall. These group of fishermen had for years been singing old maritime sea shanties, both upon their boats whilst out fishing as well as onshore where they practiced together once per week. The story goes that a record producer spotted them singing whilst on holiday and well from there the rest is history, and I do not want to spoil the story, for those of you who may wish to go and see the film. 

What really perked my interest was the fact that one of the actors present on the sofa, was David Johns. I loved his portrayal of Daniel, in the fantastic film I Daniel Blake, directed by Ken Loach.

Anyhoo upon watching and listening to the interview of both some of the actual characters who the film was based on and the actors playing the role of the fishermen when I arrived back in from work that day I did a little research and discovered the FishermensFriends were actually going to be playing at the Sage in Gateshead later this year, the 24th September to be exact.

The following day arriving at work I mentioned the story to my friend and colleague Sue. Like myself, she was very interested and we decided to ask around within our team if anyone else fancied going for an outing, come September to go and see the group of Fishermen sing their songs. Sue also suggested, "hey why don't we go and check out the film". 

I had a quick scooby online to see where the film was playing and we decided to go along to Cineworld at the Gate in Newcastle yesterday evening. After experiencing Cineworld at the Gate, although I don't go to the flicks often, I do have to say it is one of my favourite theatres. The seats were ever so comfortable, the screen just big enough and a delightful atmosphere.

The film didn't start until 18:15pm, so following work we had a walk down into the Toon and just had a relaxing cup of Coffee at Starbucks in Old Eldon Square, opposite the St George and the Dragon Statue.

Getting back to the film and what I said earlier about not wanting to spoil it for anyone fancying seeing it. What I can say is it is one of those memorable feel-good films, a little bit like the Full Monty or going back The Commitments. You know the ones, about the working class, hardships and adversity, but also with a few tunes where you find you are tapping your feet along to the rhythm, or in my case foot LoL. There are some sad moments, together with some really funny ones and you really feel yourself being drawn in by the characters. I am not a film critic, and I am sure that certain people in the know will say that the accents or something like that was not correct, however, for me the acting and their portrayal was superb.

It's great to watch a film with some originality and not just another remake of something that has gone before. I am now very excited to head off in September and listen to the Fishermans Friends live. I have never been to the Sage before so it will be a real treat.

Hey if you find yourself at a loose end, why not grab yourself some popcorn and head off to see this, sure you won't be disappointed.