Thursday 23 May 2024

Just wondering ?

 Hey Hello there...

This is a just wondering kind of post, to actually try and find out if anyone actually enjoys reading my blog, plus I would like to try and find out why I rarely have comments posted. It's weird as just lately I have been finding that my Blog receives anywhere from a 1000 to 2000 views per week, however I don't receive any feedback good or bad lol.

A few months back I noticed something had changed in the format of my Blog. For some reason the subscription app was not working. Essentially what people used to be able to do was sign up to my blog and whenever I posted anything new they would get an email to notify them.

The app worked really well as it didn't include loads of spammy adverts and the such, just a simple email to your provided address and then you could choose to come visit or not.

I would also like to know your thoughts on the ads displayed on my Blog. I use a thing called AdSense and I often just set it to optimisation and run and experiment. I have noticed some of the ads can be quite annoying when I view my blog. 

Just to give you an idea I have only earned just over £26 quid in 12 years with Adsense running. I don't even think I have been paid out as you have to get to I think £60 a month, or something like that. I mean I would love to be earning from posting stuff, however it's not why I write and upload stuff. Its more of a hobby and a release at times, a place I can get things of my chest and allow me to reflect and hopefully help people along the way.

Anyhoo boring reading loads of text, and having no pics so I will end there, feel free to respond and give me some of your thoughts.



New Bike Cancelled - New Bike Ordered

After much thought I decided to cancel the new Cannondale Moterra SL which I ordered from Wheelbase down in Darlington. Reasoning, well whilst checking out more bike porn I saw that the new generation 3 Orbea Rise had been released.

The reason I had opted for the Cannondale was because it was classed as a SL or super light, with full power of 85nm, and I originally liked the design of the bike. I wasn't to sure about the new real skinny flex stays on the rear triangle and at the point of ordering the bike there was no range extender battery available, however for bang for the buck the bike appeared to come with some good gear.

Upon reading a few reviews almost all riders had said the bike was great for descending, however it wasn't as capable in twisty technical sections. This is to do with the rather steep head tube angle.

Anyhoo as the Orbea Rise is a tried and tested machine, that has just got better and better over the years and when reading the few reviews that have come out so far for the 2025 model I started researching the model a little more, then made the decision to contact Adam down at Wheelbase to ask his opinion and to see if 

A. I could cancel the Cannondale and B. Order an Orbea Rise and, find out the time frame for delivery.

Orbea Rise M10 LT
Orbea Rise M10 LT

Adam informed me that if I didn't go for a MIO build, which is Orbea's personal customisation of the bike, in that you can choose various combinations of colours for the frame and decals, then a bike maybe available as early as July. Where as if I wanted a full custom paint scheme the bike probably wouldn't be available until around December.

Well it was a no brainer really as I had used the Orbea Mio custom app on my computer and actually specced the bike up as an all gloss Black with gold decals, and the bike I could obtain from the factory in July was a Cosmic Carbon with Golden Sand details.

Orbea Rise M10 LT

Orbea Rise M10 LT

Adam suggested when I had time to pop back through to Wheelbase and we could then go over the details of the bike, so that is what I did earlier this morning. Heading down to Darlington with my dad to Wheelbase.

Orbea Rise M10 LT
Orbea Rise M10 LT

At the shop, Adam ran through the various options that could be added to the bike, things such as different brakes, shockers, tyres, the seat post and a whole host of other items, even a range extender battery. I enjoyed the visit and  the chat whilst at the shop, it took my mind off how unwell and stressed I have been feeling over this yet undiagnosed whatever it is going on with me over the last few weeks.

Cosmic Carbon View - Golden Sand (Gloss)



Orbea Custom Range Extender 210Wh

Fox Float X Factory 2-Pos Adjust Evol LV Kashima custom tune 210x55mm

OC Mountain Control MC10 Carbon, Rise 35, Width 800

OC Mountain Control MC11 Alu SL, 0º

Shimano XTR M9120 Hydraulic Disc

203mm Front /180mm Rear

Shimano XT M8100 SGS Shadow Plus

Oquo Mountain Control MC32TEAM

Maxxis Assegai 2.50

Fox Transfer Factory Kashima Dropper 31.6x541/210mm

Fizik Terra Ridon X5 145mm

Shimano EN600 Cycle Computer

CRANK LENGTH       165 mm.

STEM LENGTH            40 mm. 

Having something to work towards and look forward to is something I really need at the moment. Imagining getting back out on my bike, taking photo's, maybe a few riding videos and doing a spot of bike packing and creating some new adventures and memories. All I ned to do now is sort out getting a new Bartlett Tendon Knee, as my old one is on its last legs...not sure if there is a pun in there somewhere.

A few people have suggested I try and crowdfund to help with the cost of a new prosthetic knee, something to think about I guess. I just think who is going to want to help me to essentially go out and play on a bike ?...

Sunday 19 May 2024

Man I feel so unwell !

You may ask yourself why I have written such a personal post, or why I feel the need to describe how I am feeling. I guess for me it is quite cathartic, and who knows the information may help someone else. I have included links to the NHS web pages giving info on Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Celiacs Disease, as they are quite useful. My advice for anyone suffering from something is visit your G.P and don't go Googling stuff that will scare the Bejeebas out of you, only use trusted pages. Self diagnosis is never good.

Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Celiacs Disease Information.

So I have been feeling really unwell for I would say just over a month. It started with feelings of just being tired, with low mood, highly irritable and with lots of brain fog. I had a little bit of weight loss, which was no big deal as I had been trying to exercise and lose my love handles anyways.

Truth be told I never really gave these symptoms a second thought, just putting it down to old age and day to day life, you know how sometimes we can all be off our game.

I developed a really sore mouth ulcer, on the inside of my cheek and it was taking a long time to heal, again I didn't really think anything of it.

Then about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago I started with severe stomach cramps, leading to diarrhoea, which I have now had for approaching 3 weeks. I also had difficulty passing water and felt like I had a kidney infection as I had this god damn awful ache in my lower back on the Right, which eventually radiated across my lower back.

Following some unrestful nights and things getting no better I made an appointment with my G.P and got to speak to a nurse practitioner. After relaying my symptoms to the nurse she advised I take a 7 day course of antibiotics (Cefalexin). My dad picked  up the medication and I began taking them immediately.

At this point I had not had much to eat all that week as each time I did I was cramped up and felt really nauseous plus having to visit the toilet as quickly as possible, if you get my drift.

I took a week off work and stupidly convinced myself I was feeling a bit better at the end of the week, so returned for my regular shift starting on a Sunday. I worked all of Sunday and thinking I was on the mend had a chicken sandwich when I came in from work. I was feeling real lethargic, however pushed myself to go on my road bike, set up on my turbo trainer and try to complete 30 minutes.

I had been on my bike around 10 minutes when my Bartlett Tendon started clunking, so jumped off to inspect the knee. I shouted for Ern to come and have a look at the knee and on inspection we discovered that the top mount on the frame of the knee was very worn, so much so it was causing the retaining pin for the shocker to rotate and the small circlips to ping off, then the pin  would slide out and lock up the knee onto the main frame. Basically my knee is goosed. Great more stress and it just felt at that moment the world was in cahoots to get me. I said to my dad "Fucking hell as if I haven't been through enough". I don't often feel that sense of 'Why Me', however in that moment I was like 'I don't know how much more of this I can take'.

We managed to temporarily repair the knee I don't think it will last long, and I continued my short ride.

I got up and went to work on the Monday. I was only at work for 30 to 40 minutes and came over feeling all nauseous, with stomach cramps a terrible headache and cold sweats. I knew I couldn't remain at work so informed my colleagues I had to go home. I am now approaching my second week off.

In that time I have been back and forth to my G.P's 3 times. I have completed 6 poo tests, having to do some of the tests again as my poo test went missing? Oh and I have had numerous bloods taken. I then got the dreaded phone call that some of the results were back and that one of the doctors would have to stick a finger where no ones finger should ever be stuck.

Anyhoo no irregularities felt apparently and my bloods looked okay. What was worrying was that I had traces of blood in my poo, so now it's a case of ongoing tests. I figure an ultra sound and then something else going up my bottom to probe for a solution to what's wrong.

Even though I work for the NHS I am just like most people and when stressed rely on Google being my friend. Actually in this case Google has been kind of helpful. Now I do have to say I was looking at the symptoms and using verified sites, not checking out worse case scenarios, even though when at one particular point when I was feeling real sick I said to my dad " I think this is the end of me". 

You see I have this underlying memory of my mam being poorly with what was to be diagnosed as pancreatic cancer. I nursed my mam at home, their alongside my dad for her final breath and this has had a huge impact on me. When ever I get an upset tummy or an ache in my back it reminds me of my poor mam. Questions go through my head "Is this genetic". The whole side of my mams family has been hit by the Big C, and what with me being diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, well it looks like that is what I have taken from the Dodd side the family.

Getting back to my research and self diagnosis, I need answers!

So upon researching my symptoms they appeared very much like Celiac disease, and upon further research, Celiacs disease is closely related to Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Upon reading this information I asked my dad, bless him, to go out shopping and buy me some gluten free stuff to eat.


I started a diary, I have only been eating small amounts of things, for two days now, and not really had a proper meal, however everything has been gluten free and so far I have not been running, well that's a lie, as I can't run, however walking on my elbow crutches as fast as possible to the toilet. My tummy does feel a little better, so for now I am going to continue  with the gluten free diet and await the results of my blood test to see if it shows up I have Celiacs Disease.

Oh by the way I am not to enamoured by the gluten free bread, it is fucking awful when used as a plain sandwich and also as toast, plus it is twice the price of a regular loaf. As with everything where anyone has a "condition" you have to pay a premium to live day to day.

Friday 3 May 2024

New Bike - However Not New Bike Day

It has been quite a few months since I sold my Specialised Turbo Levo. In that time I have ventured out a few times on my Silverback Synergy Fat Bike, which was very enjoyable, however also made me realise just how unfit I actually am, Oh and of course I have also been out on my Orbea Gain Gravel bike. Now the Orbea is electric so can offer assist, however I always try to go out and use as much of my own power as I can, rather than rely on the bike. When using the Orbea Gain even on full power up hills I still have to do a considerable amount myself, so it gives a good workout.

Recently as you will have seen on my blog I have been checking out various new E- mountain bikes. Models from Santa Cruz and their Heckler SL, Pivots, Shuttle SL and Transitions, Relay, all of which are powered by the Fauza 60 motor.

Then just by chance I saw a video on Youtube of a new model by Cannondale, it's  called the Moterra SL. Now this bike is a totally different animal, in that it is classed as a Super Light, however it has the Shimano EP801 motor, kicking out 85 nm.


Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw
Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw

The Cannondale in its SL1 form comes with some good kit, such as Fox Float Factory Suspension & SRAM XO AXS shifting. I really liked the look of the bike, I mean I would prefer more colour choice as the 'Jade Green" doesn't really do it for me, but hey the Raw colour looks pretty cool.

Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw
SRAM XO  AXS Shifting

Simon EP801 85 nm

Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw
Electronic SRAM XO AXS shifting

Another thing I wasn't sure of was the 'Flex Stays', I mean they look thin and weedy. I did a little research and apparently they are up to the job and you get a fairly good warranty on the frames so it's all good.


Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw
Super Thin Flex Stays

There are now loads of reviews online so I am not going to bore you with the details, plus as yet I haven't actually had a go on the bike. That said it hasn't stopped me from finding my local Cannondale dealer which happens to be Wheelbase down in Darlington, and heading down there today with Ern to pop a deposit down on a new bike. Yeah it is a lot more than I wanted to spend, but for me it is worth it as my passion for cycling has kept me fit, focused and given me drive.

I had been speaking to Adam from Wheelbase via email and he sounded dead on. Keeping me informed when he said he would, about the current delivery schedule of the bikes and when I got down to the Wheelbase, Adam was again great. What I liked was he didn't just try to sell me a bike. He went onto Geometry Geeks, sorted out the sizes and then managed to get a bike as near to the Moterra as possible for me to have a sit on, the gave me his recommendations size wise and the potential things we could change, like a stem and bars to get the new bike just right.

I have always been right in-between sizes Large and XL so getting the right fit is very important.


Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw
Cannondale Moterra SL1 Raw

Anyhoo hopefully if all goes to plan my new ride should be in sometime around June. Looking forward to getting out in the better weather this year, just hope my old Bartlett Tendon holds up. If not well I guess I will be saving like mad for a new knee too.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Seeing how far it is to the Wetlands

Orbea Gain
Out on my Orbea Gain

A week or so ago one of my friends and work colleagues, Anne mentioned that she was going to be taking part in this years Great North Bike Ride. As I understand it the ride is approximately 60 miles, starting at Seahouses Tourist Information Car Park at 8:55 AM and ending at Tynemouth, outside the Priory. The ride is to raise funds for vital cancer research.

Anne went on to tell me that so far she had not done a great deal of preparation, however she had thought about riding up from where she lived (Sunderland area) to the Wetlands Centre at Washington and from there head on up to Consett. I asked Anne " Have you ridden that route before" ? to which she replied "No".

I have ridden numerous times down from Stanley on the C2C going past the Wetlands Centre and following the route to take me down to Sunderland, the Marina and then looping back around, coming through Seaburn and South Shields and eventually making my way back home riding to Whitemarepool roundabout and turning up Leam Lane to Wrekenton, then down to Lamesly along to Birtley and then get back on the C2C home to complete an approximate 50 mile loop.

I explained to Anne that the ride up from the Wetlands would be a fairly tough one. Stanley is situated approximately 807 Feet above sea level and Consett is the third highest market town in England at 900 feet. 

Back in the day when Consett Steel works was operating some 40 odd years ago, there were sections of track, which the C2C now follows, that had the highest gradients of all the British Rail Network. These were at 1-55 Beamish and further on at 1-35 West Stanley.

During conversation I suggested to Anne I would  have a ride down to the Wetlands, turn around and come back and see how far it was and how my stamina was. Well this morning I had my alarm set for 5:00 am, my internal clock awoke me at 4:59. I had pretty much prepared my gear the evening before so I was up and out the door fairly sharpish.

Only one issue this morning my dam Orbea Gain wouldn't connect to my phone...again. After a bit  of fannying on I got it to connect and sync. I had fastened my Leyzene Lights on  and these added to the Gains installed lights. It was starting to get light anyway. I had put my new Oakley Sunglasses on with Prism Trail varifocal lenses, so to be honest I couldn't really tell you what it looked like outside, everything was "`Ooooh" to me

I cheated a little going up Durham Road, onto Wear Road and popped my bike on Level 2 assist. As soon as I got to the top of the bank I switched the assist off and never put it back on until returning to Stanley and the horrible little steep bank at the back of Iceland.

The ride down from Stanley to approaching the Wetlands was a breeze. Loving the new Oakley Sunglasses, as I rode into the sun, its was blinding as it was low in the sky

I do have to say no matter where I go, or how many times I always get lost, and this mornings excursion was no different.

Excuse the language... " Where the fuck am I"? 

"I can't ever recall being this close to a massive river"..." Oh it must be the River Wear". 

Just some of the things popping into my head, along with " Dear me I can't feel my foot"... Now I know I can't feel that one, however I also couldn't feel the other one. Obviously 2 pair of socks on my good foot were not working. Time to invest in new socks and possibly gloves, as my Seal Skin gloves were not keeping my hands warm.  It was brassic.

I got to the end of this very scenic trail, that was right beside the river, the grass all covered in a morning frost as the sun, glistened through the trees which cast distorted shadows all around. I then looked to my Left " Aww crap a geet big set of steps roughly placed up the Bankside". I had to get off my bike and push, until I found the trail again. My useless sense of direction then cut in and I just guesstimated where I should be going and rode on.

" I'm sure that fence looks familiar".

Suppose I am going to have to push

Just then as if showing me the way 2 geese flew over head, honking their little beaks off and circling a couple of times. It was great... "Keep your eyes on the path Glenn", as I wobbled after starring up in the sky.


Wetlands Centre
Wetland Centre

Just then as I turned off the path I saw a large carpark looming ahead, and then I saw the signs for the Wetlands Centre 12.2 miles covered to get there. A few pics and then I turned to head back.

Wetlands Centre
At the Wetlands Centre

"Mmmmm now then which way do I go"?  I found a sign saying C2C west. I knew I had been riding East to get to the Wetlands so West was a good bet. More riding along a section I swear I have never been along, and I discovered the large Asda depot. I could recall seeing this on the other side of the fence, so I rode past Asda and followed the path down until I saw another sign for Consett and knew I was going the correct way. I have to say the signs for the C2C are not particularly good.


Glenn Johnstone
Love my ne shades I can actually see.

Back on track and now knowing where I was going the ride from the Wetlands back up to Birtley went quicker than I thought and was easy.

Birtley to home....Grrrrrrr! 7.1 Miles approximately.

Now I don't usually us the word "Hate", it's such a negatively emotive word. And forgive me in my next sentence for using an expletive. Oh and whilst I am on I also don't like the word "But" as it's an excuse of a word, preferring to use the word "However".

"But I Fucking Hate that ride up from Birtley to Stanley".

Upon my research into the railway line, no I am not a train or track spotter, just wanted to give those of you an idea of how this climb doesn't appear steep, but just feels like it goes on forever and ever, well apparently the trains used to do 2 mph up the line, not sure how quick they went down, however bet it was a case of "Holy Shit, we have no brakes". Anyhoo  quite often the trains would get stuck on those notorious leaves that `British Rails always goes on about, and the trains used to overheat. Well I am proud to say I would at least beat a train upon the line as my speed was 5 mph at its slowest point.

As I approached Stanley, remember I had not used any assist I decided my bottom was too sore, my leg was to weak and basically I am another year older so Fuck going to Consett I am going home.

I can now tell Anne, the ride up from the Wetlands is ok until you get to Birtley, and from there up to Stanley and beyond is a slog. I covered 24.21 miles, and it took me just over 2.30 hours with a few stops to get some pics, climb some stairs and have a few drinks of the H20 variety, oh and almost crash as I checked out honking geese.

Friday 29 March 2024

A little walk

 After having little bit of a lie in, I am off work using up some annual leave, I decided to go for a little walk. I thought it would also give me the opportunity to see if my now ancient Pentax K30 DSLR was indeed broken. I bought the camera way back in 2013 when I went away to visit America, and really the camera hasn't seen all that much use, mainly because I was too lazy to learn how to use it to its full potential.


Pentax K30
Pentax K30
Pentax K30
Pentax K30

Anyhoo some weeks ago I had got the camera out from under my bed and the bag it was living in and thought to have a go at using it. When I went to take some shots they all appeared to be really dark. Possibly because it was late on one afternoon and indoors, who knows.

I did a little research online and discovered that this particular model of camera suffers from something called "aperture block", and well my camera had been lying about doing nothing for yeah, probably years. Like most people I tend to just take snaps with my mobile phone.

So heading out, with no particular place in mind I dropped the hood on my wee Abarth and headed over to Craghead, and headed up Wagtail lane towards the Stream Valley and the little carpark there.

Once parked up I then proceeded to change from my trainers to my walking boots as I knew it would be fairly muddy. I then set off on the trail and tried to discover somethings interesting to take a shot of. Not much success I am afraid, my creative brain not really kicking in, and I found I was walking with my head down trying to keep my footing as the trail was all slippery with mud and chewed up by the numerous horses that had been using the route.

Horses have fairly chewed up the trails

I only managed to get approximately 9 to 10 shots on the whole walk around, covering about 4.70 miles, in a loop, going as far as Maiden Law and then back towards my car.

Heading up towards Maiden Law

Upon arriving home and having a look at my photos I have sort of come to the conclusion that I don't think the camera has aperture block, no its more a case of me just being inept in its settings and how to use it to it's best potential. I have always been hit missy with this camera. Never mind I will give it a go another day. I still enjoyed the walk. It's nice to sometimes just get out with no particular place in mind, listen to the birds and I even enjoyed the light rain upon my face.

Farmers Trail and back to my car

As I got back to my car and attempted to remove my boots and put my trainers back on, now that was a bit of a struggle. My lower back having seized up. all part and parcel of being an amputee I guess, that and old age LoL.

Saturday 23 March 2024

The 3 Amigos Fight the Wind

 What a most excellent morning I had this morning. I mean not only did everything go to plan, I was able to find my bike kit, my bike turned on and connected to my phone immediately, my new Oakley Sunglasses with Trail Prism Lenses are awesome and I can actually see, and to top it off meeting up with my two compadres Lee and John who I have not been out for a ride with as the 3 Amigos in like what seems forever.

The 3 Amigos

From meeting up with the lads we were soon into  fantastic banter and reminiscing about the good ol'e days and some of the funny adventures we had previously been on, on our bikes. I really do hope this year we can make it another year to make some new memories and get out more together, as that is what life is all about.

Even though the weather man, or woman had said it was going to be windier than yesterday, and I think they were right, it didn't take away from how much we all enjoyed meeting up and spending time in one another's company.


Love my Orbea Gain

Bike isn't great in the slippy bits Whoooaaa!

Riding in the sheltered areas wasn't so bad, like going through South Moor Park, and parts of Chapman Wells. However going across from Maiden Law to towards Burnhope and then going down the old Peth bank was canny windy, so much so that I was only doing 9mph and having to pedal down the Peth. Normally I can do 30 to 40 mph down there no worries, and boy riding up the Lanchester Valley into a head wind was tough.

Not often Lee is behind me


As usual John and I were trailing behind Lee. Lee is like the Energiser Bunny and just keeps going and going and going LoL.

From the get go John had been informing us of his desire for a Cornish Pastie, not just any old pastie mind you, Oh No, according to John these are the best Cornish pasties in the world. As we got nearer to Knitsley and the farm shop, his hankering had not diminished and I actually think he sped up somewhat.


John and Me

Love been out with the lads

John came out of the Farm shop and didn't appear to dismayed that he had not been able to obtain the best Cornish pastie in the world (allegedly I don't want anyone suing me) instead he had gotten a corn beef pastie, it must have been good as he almost took his fingers off with the first bite Lol


Could this be the best pastie in the World ?

Off we set once more facing the wind towards Consett, John now packing "Pastie Power", we eventually come up past the old red Wagon on the cycle track near Hownsgill and we headed back towards Stanley. The ride home became easy as we now had the wind at our backs and it really did push us along.

A liittle bit of single track after crossing the main road at Greencroft and we came out at Dodd Terrace and then it was easy to get back on the C2C at Anfield Plain.

As we got to John's house he popped in to go and get his wee dog to show Lee. John's dog is a cute little fella, proper friendly. John, says he is called Bruno, but I call him Frank, I think he looks more like a Frank. I like to wind John up, however he knows what I am like and always takes it in good fun.

19.1 miles done. It was a fairly hard ride, due to the wind, but well worth it for the craic and hanging with good m8's.


Frankie... Err I mean Bruno

Frank n John

Ooh and the day hasn't ended just yet., more excitement with a little added nervousness, as the short film I was featured in is being privately screened at Newcastle tonight. 


I didn't choose the title `LoL

I have invited friend and family and hope it goes down well and they all think the film is something special. The film is still doing well having received 6 awards at various film festivals.

Well I had better head off and try and make myself look pretty Bye for now.