Sunday 6 November 2016

Pace Rehabiliation has got their hands on a BTK Crossover

As the title to my blog says Pace Rehabilitation have got their hands on a BTK Crossover.

So when I got the call from Paul my prosthetist a few weeks back saying 'Glenn things are looking positive' Imagine how excited I was for today to arrive.

Paul and Mike what a team

Monday 10 October 2016

A few days away with Claire

It has been sometime since I last blogged, however rest assured I am still around. Quite a lot of stuff being going on, however quite a bit of it negative and that is most certainly not what I am about so took a bit of a time out. I mean we all have enough negativity without reading about someone else's right.

Anyhoo this blog is going to be relatively short, mainly because I am just back from a 5 hour drive from visiting Scotland and Oban with Claire my partner in crime. Claire had been telling me that she would love to visit Scotland and go to see Fingal's Cave. So I took a week off work and found us accommodation for 3 nights at The Lagnakeil Highland Lodges. I then booked us a 3 Island Tour, which took in Mull, Staffa and Iona. Fingal's Cave been situated on Staffa.
Claire and I at Fingal's Cave


Wednesday 27 July 2016

"Do not judge me by my success. Judge me by how many times I fall down and get back up again"

I have enjoyed my few days off it has given me a chance to get out and do a spot of riding and even get out on my blade and try and get the hang of this thing they call running. Where I am concerned I am not so sure it would be classed as running as Omg! I am all over the place.

Anyhoo this morning I got up went straight downstairs after getting dressed of course, skipped breakfast and popped my Challenged Athletes / Arctic ONE running limb on. A quick bit tinker with the Pace Rehabilitation supplied socket to make sure I had it on correct and I had a little bit bounce around the house. I then grabbed my car keys and headed off over the Millennium Green in Tango. I figured the ground shouldn't be too boggy over the field and I could see how the new check socket my prosthetist Paul Richardson from Pace had designed was preforming and feeling.