Saturday 5 March 2016

A bit like Four Seasons in one day, but mostly Winter

Rod, Glenn and John
Just a short blog, even though today was my longest of the year so far, riding from my house with my mates Rod and John to well past Waskerley Way, passing Smidey Shore Reservoir and turning at the small car park up on top of the fell. Ideally I would have liked to have ridden all the way to Parkhead, however I was feeling knackered and the weather, well there was a bit of everything. We had rain, sunshine, had to fight the wind on the rain up and funnily enough also on the way back as it decided to change direction. We had snow, then a bit more sunshine, then the worst of the weather was the hail on the way home as it stung. So pleased I decided to wear my glasses, even though John did say 'who do you think you are Biggles'.

Who's this Biggles Bloke John?
Rod n John
Today's adventure has been one of the coldest and wettest I can recall in sometime. I struggled to put my bike away and lock it up as my fingers felt like small logs. My good foot, complete with my new Merino Royal sock was still freezing, yet weirdly enough my phantom foot felt toastie warm. It was great hooking up with Rod, both John and I really enjoyed the bit banter we had with Rod and it was nice to show him some local places he had not seen and give him a brief history lesson about Waskerley Village when we called into St Matthews Church. I signed the journal saying we had paid a visit and popped a couple of quid into the collection box. The couple who live across from the church maintain it and I think they do a wonderful job of preserving that little bit of history about the surrounding area and what happened to Waskerley village after the railway became obsolete. It strikes me as a real shame that a line was not maintained as I am sure people would pay good money to take tours across the fell and take in the sights. Ah well they will just have to buy bikes and see it the way we do. 

John contemplating the meaning of life
Rod checking out the local history
Now feeling proper exhausted, however pleased I am able to start getting back in the swing of things after this dreadful cold. Really enjoyed yesterdays swim with John and even though it was brass monkeys and wet today we all enjoyed the great outdoors and just hanging in the company of friends.

Not to many pics today it was just too dam cold lol.. 
The Bartlett Tendon, a dirty design, just as well

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