Sunday 21 March 2021

Mini Adventure in Wee Myrtle my 65 Bug

 Decided to have a bit of a spontaneous adventure in Myrtle this morning, well I think it was morning as to be fair it could have been partly afternoon, my body clock is all over the shop.

I gathered some gear, my new GoPro Hero 9, my DSLR camera and I asked Ern, did he fancy a little jaunt out to which he replied " No you are alright, take your phone, just in case", no faith in the wee car Huh Ern?

Anyhoo Ern changed his mind, and we grabbed wor coats and the gear taking them to put in Myrtle. I then discovered I had completely forgot how to use my GoPro, so had to quickly pop back in the house, checkout a short YouTube vid for instructions, and then we were ready.

I started Myrtle up and let her warm up a little, she started first click. I checked her air ride pressures, just in case she had lost any air. I also checked to make sure the semi auto clutch was in auto mode, you can tell if it is as a little light lights up just under the throttle pedal.


I gently popped her into first gear, with a little revs and proceeded to stall her immediately. It kind of takes a bit getting used to this new fangled mod. I didn't want to rev the pods off Myrtle, as I was worried I would shoot out of our backyard and across the road, so I was trying to be gentle on the accelerator. After another couple of attempts, stalling her each time, it could be to do with her not being warmed up I managed to pull her out of our yard and headed for the first challenge, the bloody great big speed humps in our back lane. I hate these things, they are massive. Even with 90 psi in the front and 80 psi in the rear I can hear Myrtle scrape over the humps.

Myrtle 65 VW Bug
Clutch system is pretty unobtrusive

We managed to negotiate the humps and I turned onto Durham Road and headed up the bank. I managed to change gear quite smoothly, again it's just about figuring out how to drive the system. There are a few small things to iron out, and I have been in touch with Bewick Mobility, where I had the adaption fitted about improving the setup.

Oh whilst I remember for anyone wanting this kind of adaption it is quite expensive. I didn't know about a thing called Access to Work, it's a government scheme for people with disabilities. It's setup to help people with their jobs, so that can be as in my case getting too and from work, or it can be for other work related things, like training or equipment. It is just a handy thing to know, and it is easy to apply. You get an adviser who deals with your application, and it's pretty straight forward. In my case as I work part-time, 4 days per week I had to pay a certain amount towards the cost of my adaption, but it still saved me a lot, and to be fair I didn't mind, after all it has enabled me to drive my little car.

Glenn & Myrtle VW Beetle 65
Myrtle looks tiny

Ern with Myrtle

Back to Bewick Mobility and the small problems I am encountering. It's things like loosing all drive at certain moments, this requires me to pop my hand over the gearstick sensor to re-engage the clutch, or like if I let off the accelerator as I am coming down a hill, again the car loses drive, so I have no engine braking. I have noticed when I approach lets say a roundabout, and I am braking either to negotiate it or slow down for other users that the system disengages/engages depends on how you look at it, and the car will just rev, instead of driving, so if you imagine as a normal driver, it's as if you are dipping your clutch and just coasting whilst in gear. The car uses a computer which is tuned to the car's rpm. The motor which operates the clutch is neatly hidden under Myrtles back seat. I think once she is setup, this will be a great bit of kit.

Ern looking over the moor, they were burning back the heather
Ern looking over the moor, they were burning back the heather

We had a drive up to Wakerley and up on the moors, Myrtle whilst she certainly isn't fast, she is only a 1200 cc, she did pull up all the rather steep banks well and got us to our destination.

I shot a little video of me driving her, showing the gear change and when we got up on the moors took a few photos.

Myrtle VW Beetle 65
Myrtle VW Beetle 65

I am so paranoid about Myrtle not sitting level after all my problems last year, so ended up driving to a flat area in a housing estate on the way home and airing her up and down to see if she sat level on a fairly level'ish bit of ground. She appears to be sitting higher than both my dad and I recalled, however when you look under her, she is sitting on her pan so can't exactly go any lower...

Myrtle VW Beetle 65
Paranoid about her leaning

Myrtle VW Beetle 65
Love this wee car, so much still left to do

Myrtle VW Beetle 65
She is soooo cute

Myrtle VW Beetle 65

I drove Myrtle home on what I considered "My air ride settings" and sure enough when we got home she couldn't get over the bloody speed bumps, so I had to reverse and air her right up again.

Upon getting her home and back in our yard my dad said he was just going to dip her petrol tank to see how much petrol was in her, as the gauge hasn't moved in a while. Well it appears Myrtle runs on fresh air as the tank was bone dry, so much, so I don't know how we managed to get all the way back LoL