Wednesday 16 October 2024

Arctic ONE Forward Motion


Many of you may not have heard of The Arctic ONE Foundation I am not sure how I became aquainted with the charity to be honest, whether they discovered me or I discovered them. Thinking back I may have been introduced to Matt Kirby and Bex Stubbings, two of the leading representitives of Arctic ONE when I was being supported by the lovely people over at what was then Pace Rehabilitation. This was way back in 2014. 

Anyhoo from my point of view with dealings with the lovely people over at Arctic ONE what I like about the foundation is their transparency, their passion and how they treat everyone equally, striving to offer support where they can. Arctic ONE makes you feel like part of a big family, and friendships are formed.


The Arctic ONE Foundation

A little about what The Arctic ONE Foundation is all about:

The Arctic ONE Foundation provides opportunities for people to get active and enjoy sport.

We believe that Everyone should have the chance to be active. We set up Arctic One to provide opportunities to people with disabilities to get involved in sport through our grants system, our events and training days and through working with other charities to provide resources and raise awareness

In 2014 I took part in a duathlon at Hawridge, This was to be my first time involved with Arctic ONE. I rode my bike whilst Scott Richardson Pace's PR Guru completed the running section, it was a fantastic day, with lots of fun and both my dad, who joined me as my personal chauffeur and number one supporter recieved such a warm welcome and got to meet some lovely people.

Glenn and Scott
Here I am with Scott

From there, it became like joint support, as I would  try and raise some donations to help future people with their sporting goals and passions and Arctic ONE would go on to offer me a grant, which was towards a running blade prosthetic limb.

I was invited to take part in a couple of triathlons, which was a huge challenge for me as I had not swam in something like 20 years, so had to re-learn how to swim, now minus a leg.

I was very proud to be invited to become a sporting ambassador for Arctic ONE, not something I was expecting, I mean I am just an ordinary guy, and by that I mean not a professional athlete who has a huge following. That said I accepted the role, it was a great honour. Unfortunately due to some issues with my health over the years  I kind of dropped off the radar, especially when I decided to take myself off Facebook following Covid and some negative comments, due to me working for the NHS.


The Arctic ONE Foundation
Taken whilst out on one of my cycling adventures

Continuing in my own way to try and offer support for Arctic ONE wearing my buff and Arctic ONE wrist band I would take photo's and videos and post on my blog, oh and of course if I ever met anyone who I thought could benefit from hearing about Arctic ONE, well I would always mention them.


The Arctic ONE Foundation
Proud to wear my Arctic ONE buff and really helpful on those cold days

Moving on more recently I found myself in the position of being asked to take part in a short documentary film, and made sure that Arctic ONE among other people and organisations were mentioned, I mean everyone has played such a pivotal role in my journey and Arctic ONE has gone onto help so many other people besides me.


The Arctic ONE Foundation
Another random shot whilst I was out

I wanted to somehow repay the creators of the film back in some way, for all their hard work, so I decided to return to Facebook, so that I too could promote and talk about the film. It would also enable me to network and put myself back out there in case anyone required my advice on anything to do with what I am experienced in and that is cycling, particularly where the unique knee I use, the Bartlett Tendon was concerned.


Meet the Local Hero
So honoured to be invited to take part in this

My old generation 2 Bartlett Crossover at this point was about wrecked. I had at one point been cycling consecutive days for almost 5 years, a lot of this on my indoor turbo trainer. I therfore needed a new knee, and these are very expensive. It was a bit of a chicken and egg situation. I needed a new knee, so would have to sell my newest eBike, however then I wouldn't have a bike that really helped me out if I got a new knee.


Silverback Fat Bike
Out on the Fat Bike a lot harder work than my eBike.

Long story short as I rejoined Facebook I was able to reconnect with Matt and as we chatted he encouraged me to apply for an Arctic ONE - Forward Motion Grant. I completed the relevant forms and I waited a little while. Just yesterday evening I recieved an email from Arctic ONE and Matt congratulating me on being awarded a £500 grant. This is fantastic news and I am so grateful, this money will go alongside the money I have raised so far in kind donations and support on my Go Fund Me page, the money going towards the purchase of a G3 Infinity Knee, so that I can keep my passion alive.

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