Showing posts with label Coast Cycles Buzzraw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coast Cycles Buzzraw. Show all posts

Sunday 22 September 2019

Buzzing up the Bank

Yesterday morning I went out for a buzz on my Buzzraw. I actually took some video footage using my Hero 5, nothing special and with no real purpose. No, it was more just a leisurely cruise out on my wee retro electric bike on what was a beautiful day.

As it turned out when I got back from what I thought was quite an epic ride, could have sworn I rode more than 11 miles, and then checked my footage I was pretty disappointed. It's been some time since I shot a few clips and threw them together and well I just couldn't figure out how to edit all the stuff together to make it look half decent.

I kind of know what the problem was, and this is a top tip for all those budding video' ers... is that even a word. Anyhoo when you shoot your video's make them short and interesting. Yesterday I was lazy and basically just left my camera running whilst I cycled around Stanley.

So rather than make a long borrrring! movie I actually just deleted all the footage. Well tonight I was feeling a little bored so thought "Ooh I wonder if the 12.6 Gig of data I deleted is still in my recycle bin". It was so I threw this short movie together. I guess if nothing else it shows what a breeze it is going up wor big bank on an electric bike.

The End Lol

Oh, PS Thanks to Pace Rehabilitation and Leftside.Life and Brian Bartlett, as without you I wouldn't get out on my bike.

Saturday 24 August 2019

Been for a Buzz on my Buzzraw

Such a nice day and I was bored so decided to go for a buzz locally on my fat tired, retro styled and pretty darn Funky Buzzraw.

Crusing on my Buzzraw
I have a bank in each direction from where I live, so no matter which way I go it's a solid climb. Of course there are no worries when on my trusty Buzzraw. I can cruise up the various hills and banks no worries, with the power assisted bike. Of course I still have to pedal. 

Up at the fishing pond at Greencroft
No tendons on the BTK today and the knee was set-up for easy operation, so not much air in the can. I find it difficult to stand out the saddle and ride the Buzzraw, probably because the bike is a wee bit small for my frame. That said I always have a blast when out on her and tend to either get some weird stares or cool comments.

Sweet little ride
Love this little bike
 I haven't been out on my various bikes in a while so fitness wise I could be compared to a couch potato, in fact in reality I have been a bit of a couch tatty, just lounging about eating crap and surfing all the various box sets on Netflix.

Speaking of which I have just watched Manhunt:Unabomber. I really enjoyed the show and I am contemplating getting a copy of Ted Kacynski's Book, Industrial Society and Its Future (dubbed the Unabomber Manifesto by the FBI). 

I just found his philospy interesting. And although his means of getting his message across were bang out of order, no pun intended, his philosphy could be considered very true. I got a sense of the movie Terminator, like how when the machines that we rely on so much suddenly became self aware. It is scary to think, just how much we all rely on technology and how the very things that have been designed to make our lives less complicated, and give us more freedom are in reality quite sinister, our every move monitored, as we are coerced to fit into society. WoW deep huh?

Even had my shades on today
4" Tire on 20" rims
Short and sweet...

Thursday 3 January 2019

Memory card mishaps and a new Duck

After snapping one of my Bartlett Tendons last week I did not want to miss out on heading out for my first ride of the New Year I mean my Duck has arrived from somewhere in China and I wanted to test her out. So I retrieved my BTK Crossover from the cupbaord in the kitchen and unbolted the Cam along with the broken tendon. I tend not to ride out of the saddle when I am using my Coast Cycles Buzzraw, as the bike is small and the handlebars always feel like I might tear them off, or bend, so this was the ideal choice for going for a "Buzz" whilst I only have one tendon in place.

Coast Cycles Buzzraw with Duck
Super fun this little bike

Friday 30 November 2018

Sitting on the I or don't I

My last post, looking back was the 5th of October 2018, this is due to the fact my immune system has been under attack yet again and I have been feeling quite unwell. More anti-biotics, this time for a terrible chest infection that has had me out of action for going on 6 weeks.

Anyhoo not hear to bore you with my tales of woe. Nope I am here to let you know about why I have been sitting on the fence, with regards getting a new bike.

Specialized Turbo Levo Carbon Comp XL 2019

Friday 24 August 2018

A Blast on the Buzzraw

Well I got up this morning with the intention of having a blast out on my Coast Cycles Buzzraw, this is my small funky, retro type eBike. My idea was to try and get some drone footage of me just fooling around.

Coast Cycles Buzzraw E250
Coast Cycles Buzzraw E250
Needless to say unlike the A Team's
Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith, when he would say "I love it when a plan comes together", well my plan just did not come together at all. For starters it was way to windy. Poor little Sparky my drone was getting blown all over the shop. Then there was also the case that I am very much an amateur at flying and using the drone. As the battery only lasts between 10 to 16 minutes I kind of panic as soon as I turn the Spark on. I mean even before I proper take off I am fannying on trying to set the manual camera exposure on the screen of my smart phone.

So what I discovered today was that although Sparky has quite a few autonomous modes, called quick shots. I think there are like 4 in all, 

Dronie – Your aircraft will fly upwards and backwards whilst fixed on your chosen subject.
Rocket – Your aircraft will fly directly up with the camera facing down on the subject.
Helix – Your aircraft will fly upwards whilst circling your target with the camera facing it.
Circle – Your aircraft will orbit your chose subject once whilst focussing the camera on it. This mode is currently only available on the Spark.
After your drone has finished the chosen action it will return to the starting point unless told to do otherwise.

and they work really well like described, for quick shots. The problem I had when I choose the selected shot was that it only gave me 3 seconds before it started recording and going on to complete the chosen routine, which lasted about 30 seconds. I just did not have time to pop my remote control inside my jacket, clip into my bike pedals and set off, before Sparky was off trying to do his thing.

I am therefore going to have to invest more time in experimenting with active track and preferably on a less windy day.

Anyhoo moving on. I got to have a leisurely if somewhat wind swept pootle around Chapman Wells Nature reserve. The Buzzraw makes it easy to get around without becoming too knackered due to it's 250W electric pedal assisted Banfang motor. I love the whole design of the bike, my only gripe is that it is a little too small for my 6 feet tall frame. I am very cramped. However as I rode around and upon returning home and having a look at some pictures I had taken using my Gopro I realised just how ingenious the BTK Crossover actually is.

I can recall when I first started riding using an Ossur Total Knee. The amount of flexion was limited by both the prosthetic knee and the socket, as the knee would only bend as far as the socket. This meant I could not ride certain bikes and quite often as not had to have my seat really high to get the total revolution of my cranks. Well just check out the BTK Crossover in this picture. The knee does not limit you in the least in flexion. Great stuff as it doesn't then limit what I can potentially ride.

BTK Crossover with Integrated Cams
BTK Crossover with Integrated Cams
I found it quite difficult trying to ride along with a mobile phone in one hand and a GoPro in the other, my camera set to 30 photo's in 6 seconds LoL Oh and lets not forget the wind.

BTK Crossover with Integrated Cams
BTK Crossover with Integrated Cams
BTK Crossover with Integrated Cams
BTK Crossover with Integrated Cams
Playing around doing little ride by's 

Buzzraw with BTK crossover
Electric Power
Coast Cycles Buzzraw
Coast Cycles Buzzraw

Upon almost getting to the top of the trail I encountered these friendly girls in the field. They were really inquisitive and checking out my ride.

Coast Cycles Buzzraw
Coast Cycles Buzzraw with the girls
Some friendly cows
Will definitely have to try and experiment with Sparky a little more. Had a little play around in the GSR Yesterday with my friend John. We were up on the moors near Smidey Shore and i got this bit footage using my drone.

Saturday 16 December 2017

Not a great day to try out the Buzzraw and yet proper enjoyed myself...

My dad Ern, has been feeling rather unwell the last 3 days...Man Flu it appears. He has been in bed 3 days now, so I have been handed the duty of walking Baxter. As an amputee it is not the best weather to be out walking, or should I say attempting to walk. Baxter doesn't help as he has four paw drive and has a tendency to not just go in one direction. This means it's a constant battle trying to pull him back and also stop him from tangling the leash around your legs. Then of course add to the mix all this ice.

Kotz68 Buzzraw
Out on the Buzzraw

Friday 1 December 2017

My Buzzraw has arrived

"Buzzraw" You may be thinking, "what the hell is a Buzzraw". Well it's a unique, funky, somewhat retro styled bike, some may even say a scooter (How dare you)  I prefer the term bike, as a scooter to me is one of those little things that you kind of push along with one foot and I once had a bad experience as a kid, on one of those when I face planted and got gravel rash.

Glenn Johnstone Buzzraw
Coast Cycles Buzzraw in Coast Blue