Sunday 2 June 2024

Generation 3 Infinity Knee

 I have probably mentioned at some point that my old Generation2 Hybrid Crossover Knee that I use for cycling is about knackered.

BTK Crossover
Worn in the top mount

BTK Crossover
Proper clunking and the circlip keeps popping due to wear

A new knee, works out at about £7500 to £7800 by the time I got it shipped here and paid import duty/taxes. I am no longer supported by various people/companies/clinics, not because I have stopped riding, its just a sign of the times and what with me getting older I guess I am no longer seen as an inspiration or have anything to offer in order to promote stuff and get away with being supported. 

That said I don't want people to think this is a post whining on about not getting free support and meeting any prosthetic needs, far from it, I am eternally grateful to every single person, company, clinic and indeed charity/foundation that has helped me follow my passion. I can honestly say I probably would have given up long ago if I had not had these people in my corner.

Now it is time to I guess go it alone as it were. After considerable thought and saving like hell I have been able to get the funds together, not to buy a new Generation 3 Infinity Knee, but to purchase a refurbished knee.

This means I will be able to continue riding in all the various forms I enjoy, and once I get these health worries out of the way I have some plans to get out, do more bike packing, more adventures, more photography and videos and more creative content for my blog.

G3 Infinity Knee
G3 Infinity Knee

I needed to sort this knee out as I really do need something to look to in the future. I have been so stressed this last 6 weeks as something just doesn't feel right with me. Even though I have been real poorly I have continued to cycle using my clunky worn out Bartlett Tendon Knee on my Turbo trainer. I have now been riding consecutive days for 4 years and 5 months. Generally only around 30 minutes per day, this year, however man it has been tough these last few weeks. I absolutely refuse to give in though, so here is to onwards and upwards.

Hopefully my new bike will be here in July and everything health wise sorted.

1 comment:

David M.Blass said...

Great post! Your writing is clear, engaging, and highly informative. You have a talent for simplifying complex topics and making them accessible. The insights and research you provide are invaluable. Thank you for consistently delivering such high-quality content. I look forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!