Thursday 24 October 2019

I love my little Myrtle

What an exciting morning, the day had come to be reunited with my little 65 Bug Myrtle. The guys over at LVH Engine and Resto, Paul and Rob have been hard at work fettling a few things for me. The biggest of which was Myrtle's suspension.
Classic VW Beetle 65
As mentioned in a previous blog entry I had purchased a full Limebug Deluxe Swing Axle kit, which included a 4" narrowed beam and 3p Airlift management. Other jobs included putting in extra seat belt mounts at the bottom of the B pillars, popping in a new passenger-side door seal, sorting an engine oil leak Oh and fitting a very nice looking and sounding Vintage Speed Sports Muffler, alongside a few other bits n bobs.

Classic VW Beetle 65
Vintage Speed Sports Muffler
Classic VW Beetle 65
Vintage Speed Exhaust sounds Sweet
The new Air Ride system works a lot better than the old set up, however, does need a bit of fine-tuning. Once I get to grips with the new-fangled Bluetooth set-up and what pressures to run, Myrtle should ride pretty sweet. 

Classic VW Beetle 65
How to get her lower?
Whilst I can tinker on with cars I am by no means a mechanic, so not sure of the exact set-up of Myrtle. I was expecting her to actually sit further on the floor as she has dropped spindles and Atom rear spring plates.

Classic VW Beetle 65
Twin Viair compressors

I am now awaiting a complete set of torsion arms arriving from the US from Cage66 Fabrication. These arms should help the front wheels clear the inner headlight buckets and also help with positioning the front wheels centrally when Myrtle is dropped.

Lengthened Arms
I have chucked a small fortune at Myrtle so far and as yet she is way off even being half done. Now time to save up some more cash and maybe get a few little jobs done before next year. She is definitely a work in progress.
Classic VW Beetle 1965
Ern still driving Myrtle as I can't
  Oh almost forgot upon our drive back from LVH, Ern and I called into Bewick Mobility. They have a very friendly team and it was good to eventually meet up with Matthew Burns who I had been chatting to and emailing back and forth about the required clutch conversion to Myrtle. One of Bewicks technicians checked Myrtle over whilst she was up on the ramp and we discussed various options for to have a semi-auto clutch fitted. 

Heading up on-ramp
   Just hope I get some assistance from the DWP and the Access to Work scheme, as the cost of the job will be around £4k. Being disabled sure does come with more penalties than just the disability itself. Never mind when you have a passion, there is always away, and it always feels good to bring something to fruition with your hard-earned.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Oooh! Wonder if I can Polish it Out

After watching a part of the second series of Fastest Car on Netlflix this morning I thought I would take Grandma out for a spin. I aimed to head to Waskerley Reservoir, no big deal I thought, I mean just bang the postcode, or thereabouts in my sat nav and follow the directions.
Sitting up on the Fell
Firstly I had to put some juice in my car, so I headed down to Lanchester filling station, as it was on the way and I had noticed the other week the petrol was a few pence cheaper... well it was the other day, but not today £126.9 a litre. I put £50 odd quid in Grandma filling her up. Whilst I was sat at the garage I attempted to get the postcode for Waskerley Reservoir. I mean I know where it is, when going on my bike, however getting there by road is totally different.

Damit my stupid phone wouldn't connect to the internet, so I tried Google Maps instead. I then set off in the general direction. Google Maps did take me in a roundabout way towards my destination, however, as I got up on the top of the fells, nearer to Smiddy Shaw that Waskerley I soon came to understand that Google Maps was a bit off in its calculations. As I drove onwards up past Smiddy Shaw all the way up the hill and turned left I could see Waskerley Reservoir down below me on my left. I ended up doing a complete loop coming through Stanhope and then through Wolsingham and up Wolsingham bank. Google Maps had directed me in a big loop, however,r, I did not find an access road to lead me to Waskerley Reservoir.

VW Beetle GSR
VW Beetle GSR
Love my Bug
VW Beetle GSR
Miltek Cat-Back Pipes
  Anyhoo I decided to continue on the loop and head back up towards Smiddy Shaw, and go to the top of the hill on the fell and possibly get a few snaps. I stopped at the side of the road and it was a lot windier than I thought. This made the sun keep pop in and out of the clouds. I took a 30 second Timelapse with my Go Pro, however upon viewing it at home, saw that the wind had been moving my camera which I had resting on a large stone, so the footage was all shaky, so that has been binned.

VW Beetle GSR

VW Beetle GSR

I got a few snaps with the GoPro of my car. I then thought "Oh I'll take a couple of pics of me" I am not very photogenic, but hey I love memories and pictures serve as a great reminder. My eyes are shocking without my glasses on now, but I didn't fancy pics looking like speccy McSpec Face so took them off to grab a few snaps. I then went to stand up and inadvertently stood on my glasses with my gimpy foot. Oh dear I don't think these scratches will polish out and what is worse is I have buggered my frames too.

Just afore my gimpy foot trod on my gigs

Hate wearing glasses, as I keep losing them or standing on them LoL
So upon arriving home I have just booked an appointment a Speccy Savers. Think I need to go anyhoo. The lady said I am not due for an eye review until May of next year, but I have been getting a lot of migraines in my left eye. This getting old Malarky is not good.
I don't think that will polish out
Never mind quite enjoyed the tootle out, listening to Absolute '80s and setting my car away now and again on the country roads listening to the induction roar and chatter of her Turbo. It really is quite addictive and always brings a smile to my face.

Reet I now need to save up for some new gigs LoL

Sunday 22 September 2019

Buzzing up the Bank

Yesterday morning I went out for a buzz on my Buzzraw. I actually took some video footage using my Hero 5, nothing special and with no real purpose. No, it was more just a leisurely cruise out on my wee retro electric bike on what was a beautiful day.

As it turned out when I got back from what I thought was quite an epic ride, could have sworn I rode more than 11 miles, and then checked my footage I was pretty disappointed. It's been some time since I shot a few clips and threw them together and well I just couldn't figure out how to edit all the stuff together to make it look half decent.

I kind of know what the problem was, and this is a top tip for all those budding video' ers... is that even a word. Anyhoo when you shoot your video's make them short and interesting. Yesterday I was lazy and basically just left my camera running whilst I cycled around Stanley.

So rather than make a long borrrring! movie I actually just deleted all the footage. Well tonight I was feeling a little bored so thought "Ooh I wonder if the 12.6 Gig of data I deleted is still in my recycle bin". It was so I threw this short movie together. I guess if nothing else it shows what a breeze it is going up wor big bank on an electric bike.

The End Lol

Oh, PS Thanks to Pace Rehabilitation and Leftside.Life and Brian Bartlett, as without you I wouldn't get out on my bike.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

If It Makes You Happy

For some time now I have been very interested in what some may consider "Mumbo Jumbo". Things like positive thinking, meditation, lucid dreaming, dream boards and of course the Law of Attraction. I have posted about it before. I know it's not for everyone, but it helps me to stay positive and I think everyone should have a dream. "Hey if it makes you Happy".

A good few years ago I had a bit of a mental to do. I blamed not only all the physical health problems and prescription medications, but also certain aspects of my life. Anyhoo I ended up going for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This therapy was the big thing the NHS was rolling out. I kind of understoo it's benefits and what it was supposed to do, however like anything else, discovered if I didn't practice it, it kind of became redundant. So for me, it was a short term fix, kind of like putting on a sticky plaster. What I did find interesting at the time was that the therapist I was seeing asked if I would be interested in going on a 6-week Mindfulness course. I thought "Awww what the heck, nothing to lose" and so I went once a week for, 6 weeks over at a place in Durham.

Long story short I have pretty much forgotten all the weeks of CBT apart from the things I was asked to do at the time, as homework, I can recall it annoyed the hell out of me, plus stressed me out even further. So, in essence, it became a somewhat negative experience. Yet as far as the Mindfulness was concerned, I really enjoyed that part. I will readily admit over the years I may not have been mindful at all times, however, I have always tried to practice it to some degree. Of late I have discovered I am beginning to use mindfulness a lot, it helps me to live in the here and now, but also to reflect on things I believe I can improve on.

After visiting Scotland and the beautiful Isle of Mull and some of the surrounding islands, some years ago, well I just fell in love with the place. I began reading a book by Rhonda Bryne called The Secret, after just happening to see a short movie online about it. The Secret details "The Law of Attraction". It also goes on to make you think about how you think. Quite simply if you go about your day thinking you are unlucky and that bad stuff always happens to you, then guess what, you will more than likely attract that stuff. I mean it's what you expect right? Whereas if you focus on what you really want, it makes you a more positive person and hey bonus if you get, what you really desire.

I have gone on from The Secret to start watching this guy named Eric Ho upon Youtube. He too started by reading The Secret, however, he goes one step further to say he couldn't understand why nothing was coming his way after reading it. His story and viewpoint in what he was doing wrong are interesting. Obviously, there is more to do than just wish for something and then expect it to appear the following day, week or month. I am quite enjoying experimenting with some of his teachings, plus I feel more relaxed on a night whilst listening to some of the meditation affirmations and music.

Last night I had a weird sort of thing come to mind whilst listening to my mp3. I couldn't quite figure out whether I had fallen asleep, or if it came to me as I woke, "Had I just dreamt it". Anyhoo I keep a little notebook by my bedside and wrote my thoughts down.

"Everything I want I already have, it is in my subconscious.
The ability to dream is one of the greatest gifts.

We live in the here and now, our whole lives based on thoughts and memories. Therefore if we experience something in our subconscious, does that not mean we have experienced that thing, that feeling, as if we were actually there and it had already happened?

And if we then experience something subconsciously what is to then stop us manifesting it into reality".

So I guess I will continue to practice mindfulness, try and stay positive and keep on dreaming and focusing on what my subconscious has to both discover and offer. You will, of course, all know if something happens as I will be off to Bonny Scotland and some of you may even get an invite and get to share in my dream.

Monday 16 September 2019

Lost Touch

I was going to start with "Isn't it funny, how we lose touch with one another". 
I then thought about my wording (yes I over analyse) and that particular statement just does not come across as quite being right. I mean it's not funny at all. In fact, it's pretty sad. At times life just gets away from us and of course, we grow, move on or go on to do different things.
With me m8 Paul
Well, today was a good day in that I got to meet up with my longtime friend Paul who I haven't seen in years. It was just like old times. We chatted about what had occurred lately, some sad life events in that Paul had just lost his long term partner, plus we also got on about the good old days from when we were in our late teens and that brought a chuckle and smile to both of us.

Looking down towards Hill End
Little bridge crossing the stream

It just goes to show that sometimes even though you lose touch at the end of the day a solid friendship will stand the test of time.

Enjoyed the company, catching up and the ride over to Hill End in Grandma.

Nice venture out in Grandma
Love my Bug

Saturday 24 August 2019

Been for a Buzz on my Buzzraw

Such a nice day and I was bored so decided to go for a buzz locally on my fat tired, retro styled and pretty darn Funky Buzzraw.

Crusing on my Buzzraw
I have a bank in each direction from where I live, so no matter which way I go it's a solid climb. Of course there are no worries when on my trusty Buzzraw. I can cruise up the various hills and banks no worries, with the power assisted bike. Of course I still have to pedal. 

Up at the fishing pond at Greencroft
No tendons on the BTK today and the knee was set-up for easy operation, so not much air in the can. I find it difficult to stand out the saddle and ride the Buzzraw, probably because the bike is a wee bit small for my frame. That said I always have a blast when out on her and tend to either get some weird stares or cool comments.

Sweet little ride
Love this little bike
 I haven't been out on my various bikes in a while so fitness wise I could be compared to a couch potato, in fact in reality I have been a bit of a couch tatty, just lounging about eating crap and surfing all the various box sets on Netflix.

Speaking of which I have just watched Manhunt:Unabomber. I really enjoyed the show and I am contemplating getting a copy of Ted Kacynski's Book, Industrial Society and Its Future (dubbed the Unabomber Manifesto by the FBI). 

I just found his philospy interesting. And although his means of getting his message across were bang out of order, no pun intended, his philosphy could be considered very true. I got a sense of the movie Terminator, like how when the machines that we rely on so much suddenly became self aware. It is scary to think, just how much we all rely on technology and how the very things that have been designed to make our lives less complicated, and give us more freedom are in reality quite sinister, our every move monitored, as we are coerced to fit into society. WoW deep huh?

Even had my shades on today
4" Tire on 20" rims
Short and sweet...

Friday 2 August 2019


Only my second ride out in Myrtle with my dad at the wheel. The first test ride out, being somewhat a fail. Ern has been hard at work, tinkering with various things upon Myrtle, my or should I now say "our" 1965 Volkswagen Beetle. I think Ern has grown quite fond of her.

VW Beetle 65 Myrtle
Been for a ride in Myrtle

Saturday 20 July 2019

OMG! we have grounded on a sleeping Policeman

Things have gone from bad to worse concerning poor old Myrtle. So the story really starts with a simple horn malfunction. I mean going from not having a working horn, and spending £6.99, waiting weeks for it to arrive from China (I didn't realise it was coming from China, obviously when I ordered it from Amazon) then go on to discover that your suspension is basically all to pot, as the track rod end is catching your shocker. Removal of the fuel tank showed
up why the shocker is being hit by the track rod end. Omg someone has bolted the shockers to the body of the car, my front beam doesn't actually have any shock mounts.
Ern has tried to strengthen where shockers have been mounted, a temp fix
Oh Dear Quick Streer Kit, Not Good
We thought strengthening the body where the shockers were placed and fitting a quick steer kit may help resolve the problem until such time as I could afford to get a new front beam and possible Air Ride setup...Well after poor  Ern slaved away whilst I was at work and thinking he had Myrtle sorted. When I got in from work he asked did I fancy a tootle out in her . Of course, I jumped at the opportunity and even grabbed my camera to take some shots.

Just not right
Anyhoo needless to say we got over the first two speed humps in our back lane with the most dreadful scraping noise. The car is way too low, even more so with 2 people in it...Hey, don't call me Fat! As we turned to go out onto Durham Road and set off down the road, there was the most awful "screeching noise". Ern had to pull in at the end of our street and we made our way back up the back lane. "Oh no more sleeping Policemen", don't ask me why they are called that, it's just what Ern calls them. We managed to get over the first one near Carol's shop with metal to road noise and me gritting my teeth my head pitched to one side and my shoulders all hunched. As we got to the next one, Ern driving at a snail's pace, in fact, I think a snail passed us, also gritting his little teeth. Anyhoo we got beached. I figured one side of the hump was lower than the other, so poor Ern had to back up, with more metal to road noise....not good. We eventually got over the lower side of the hump and made it back home.


The car's steering is absolutely terrible. Put it this way in order to get out of our back yard Ern had 3 attempts as each time he was heading for the pavement on the opposite side of the road. The front wheels appear to be catching the inner headlight cowls under the wings. I am still not sure what the god awful screeching noise is. Wor Kyle had come out by this point and he identified that one wheel was turned inwards more than the other, so maybe a tracking issue.

Ern has again taken Myrtle to bits, so fuel tank out and adjusted the track rod ends. He fastened 2 sections of 90-degree angle to the wheel drums, these where then sticking out the front of the car and he was able to track both wheels a little more accurately and adjust the track rod ends. I know the tracking will not be perfect, but it has to be a little better than before. As for Myrtle catching, not sure what is up as the shockers are in the same place.

So trying to sort Myrtle out as cheaply and efficiently as possible has not exactly worked out as planned. Yesterday I decided to bite the bullet and spend almost £4,000 on a full air ride system which includes 3p Airlift I then have to get it fitted so have approached LVH Engines and Resto's who are happy to carry out the work. So that is new beams back and front. I have opted for a 4 inch narrowed beam, and not this horrendous 6 inch which is currently on. Bit gutted as discovered the new heat exchanges we have just put on will have to be replaced with J Tubes, so there is another £300 wasted.

Limebug complete Air ride Setup

  Oh and guess what tops everything off... The bloody horn is still not working properly, it either "Beeps" all the time or not at all, depending on whether I have the earth wire on LoL

Things that have gone well....Loving the Rear Led lights I invested in


Led rear Lights Now
Super Bright and Funky
  Moral of the story, know what you are getting yourself into and do your research before buying bits n bobs. I have no regrets about buying my little car, her body is sound and I always planned to air ride her, just I thought I may have got to have had a little ride around in her first. I still haven't got the semi-auto clutch fitted yet.

Vinatge Suitcase Boombox

Firstly I have to say a HUGE thank you to my dear old dad, Ern for helping me out with this project. I got the idea after seeing someone online with a Boombox, and then did a spot of research and thought "Ohh that would be fun and interesting to try and make".

Ern at the start of adapting the suitcase

Saturday 13 July 2019

Just seem to get one problem sorted...

Following Ern getting my new horn working on Myrtle I was over the moon with her little "beep beep". Well, that was until I came in from work and Ern informed me he had had to move Mrytle in order to get some stuff out of our back yard.

New Horn hiding behind the grill

 Ern went on to explain that as he drove Myrtle out of the yard and around the block, each time he turned Left, her horn would blow, and continue to keep sounding until the steering was straightened up somewhat. Huh! Wtf is that all about?

Anyhoo on closer inspection, we have discovered that upon full lock to the Left, the track rod end is hard up against the right shocker. 

Oh Dear
This in itself is a huge problem, however as the shockers are in rubber mounts, this should not be causing the horn to beep. As we delved deeper into the problem it became apparent that Mrytle at some point had had coil-over shocks installed. I can only assume that when she had her front beam narrowed the springs from the coil overs would not fit, so someone removed them. The shocks installed have the threads for adjustment, however, no collars or springs to do so. Not only that but the shockers on both sides are pressed hard up against the bodywork, hence why when turning left and the track rod end hits the shocker the horn is sounding, as there is a complete electrical circuit.

After much head-scratching and doing a spot of research on the interweb I showed Ern an image and information on a quick steer kit. Plus we also looked at obtaining the correct shocks (lowered to match the drop spindles).
Quick Steer Kit
Lowered Gas Shocks
I kind of begrudge spending money on the shocks as in the future I quite fancy air ride, but hey ho I just want Myrtle up and running until I can save some more money to get the more expensive bits sorted, such as wheels, suspension and her interior.

Other small jobs we noticed whilst on with the car, were that the petrol pipe appears way too long and the brake Flexi's also appear quite long, with the potential to snag, so will try and sort these out in the near future.


Pretty long petrol pipe
Ooh almost forgot a job we did get done. After installing new heat exchanges, we discovered that the demister pipes were missing out of Mrytle. This is a bit of a nightmare job as you just cannot get to where the pipes originally go, well not without cutting into the front panels on the underside of the front arches. Ern made some holes that were already in the footwells a little larger and we were able to guide the hoses in from under the bonnet and down the side of the wings. One side had something just say blocking its path and we could remove whatever it was (felt like a piece of metal, covering the area where the heater pipe fits. We improvised and made a smaller pipe, that fits snug, so fingers crossed once all fitted up, Mrytle should have heat and demisters.
Made for the Job
Oh and as a side, not the Retro Boombox we have been tinkering with is starting to take shape, so I will be posting a few pics and a write up when that is done and working.

Friday 12 July 2019

It's good to catch up

It has been ages since I saw my mate, John. Now that John is working, it's hard for him to find the time. When he is not at work he is generally looking after his young daughter, whilst his wife Kristina goes out and tries to earn a few bob. It happens to most of us, just life I guess, not having enough time to do the things we would like, as we are caught up in the rat race and trying to keep our heads afloat.

Up to the Farmers Trail
John had let me know a couple of weeks ago he may have a spot of spare time, as he had taken a few days off, and so we planned a ride out together. It's always good to catch up, and we always have a laugh, mind you, more often as not it is at all the things that go wrong when we plan an adventure and begin it. This morning was no different. As usual, John rocked up on time, and as usual, I was not ready. I am more of a spur of the moment type guy, so planning the night before is, well just a chore. I do have to say at least I could find all my gear this morning, all I really needed to do was blow up my tires oh and check my Specialized Turbo Levo was connecting to my bike. Speaking of which...

After the last time I decided to venture to the coast I think it was Christmas Day when I first got my new eBike and discovering, about 5 miles from home that my battery had run out, then having the ride from hell the remainder of the way back home I had done some research. I have had a fiddle with the mobile app that works alongside my bike and goes into the "tune" section. You will see from my picture the settings I have chosen. These actually worked quite well today. I did not run out of battery I actually had 25% remaining. I used mainly Eco mode and at some points even turned off the battery all together on the way to the coast. On the way back I used a combo of Trail and on some steep sections right at the end Turbo.

New settings
  At some points on our ride out, on the way home I even gave John a helping hand, quite literally as I rode and pushed him up some of the inclines.

Getting back to this morning, as I went to pop my helmet on, getting ready for the off, something fell off the side. It was the threaded visor adjuster on my Bell helmet. "Good job it came off in the house," I thought, it would have been a nightmare to find out on the trail. As John and I left my back yard we were just about to set off and as John went to put his helmet on, something came off his lid. We picked up the small threaded like knob and looked everywhere on his helmet, but couldn't see a spot for the piece that had come off. "Just pop it in your pocket," I said, so John did just that. We then rode over to the Farmers Trail and as John got off his bike to step over the trail gate, he knocked the visor on his helmet. "Oh," he said, "It's never done that before" as he demonstrated his visor waggling up and down. I had a look at his helmet and "Ahhh that is where that threaded bit goes". I had a bit of a nightmare trying to tuck the threaded visor retainer in place. No screwdriver so I couldn't just remove the visor. What a fiddly job, but I managed to get it sorted and screwed uptight.

Little threaded retainer

A nightmare to get in under the visor without taking it off
Yay up the Farmers Trail, as we approached the top I was a little ahead, all I heard was John shout "Awwww I don't fucking believe it". Here's me thinking "Omg, what's up". John then pointed to his water bottle on his bike frame. "Oh Dear" I definitely don't think that is chocolate John". John is a proper shit magnet, every ride we go on and I mean every ride he gets covered in the stuff.
"How am I going to drink out of that" John says, followed by "Oh man it stinks". John then does his usual trick, of trying to clean his bike with any nearby twigs or in this case leaves, muttering to himself "it's every time and always me".

Errr definitely Not Chocolate

Why Me? "It's supposed to be lucky John"
That's it just wipe it on the grass
All Clean, just don't put your mouth on end :/
Further POO investigation
  Anyhoo a very enjoyable morning out covering 45.17 miles. Heading from home down to Roker, and doing a loop via South Shields. Coming out of Shields and heading up towards WhitemarePool roundabout, then heading up through Springwell and Wreckington, to take a route into Birtley, then all the way up the C2C and back home.

The new Bridge at Sunderland
John still sniffing his fingers
The eBike is the way to go as although I have used the motor I can still feel like I have exerted myself. Plus with this bike, I can pretty much take a few weeks off riding and then just hop on it and not feel like I am going to cough up a lung, or beast myself, hence getting totally fed up with riding.

Weird sort of day, over cast at times, then warm, then raining
Riding along the Cliff Trail at Seaburn
On the way home